Friday, September 11, 2015

·   Parliament of Afghanistan is Loya Jirga.
·   Parliament of Australia is Federal Parliament.
·   Parliament of Bangladesh is Jatiya Saugsad.
·   Parliament of Canada is Parliament.
·   Parliament of China is National people’s congress.
·   Parliament of Denmark is Folketing.
·   Parliament of Egypt is People’s Assembly.
·   Parliament of France is Parliament.
·   Parliament of Germany is Baundesrat.
·   Parliament of Greece is Parliment.
·   Parliament of India is Parliment.
·   Parliament of Iran is Majlis-e-Shoura-e-Islam.
·   Parliament of Iraq is National Assembly.
·   Parliament of Japan is Diet.
·   Parliament of Morocco is Majlis al Nuwab.
·   Parliament of Oman is Consultative Assembly.
·   Parliament of Qatar is Advisory Council.
·   Parliament of Russia is Duma.
·   Parliament of Norway is the Storting.
·   Parliament of Sweden is Riksdag.

·   Oldest parliament in the world--- Althing (Iceland)


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