Tuesday, September 8, 2015

·   Universal donor group is O group
·   Total volume of blood in human body is 5.5 liters (chk 6 liters)
·   Life span of red blood cells is 120 days
·   Life of RBC is 115 days.
·   The total quantity of blood in a human body is 7-8 liter.
·   80 % water is found in pure blood
·   The pH of normal human body is Arteries 7.4
·   60% of blood plasma consists of protein.
·   Which one of the following substances is obtained by the fractionation of human blood? Gamma globulin
·   In the human circulatory system blood returns to the heart from the lungs through Pulmonary Veins.
·   First blood transfusion carried out in London
·   PH value of water is 7, blood is 7.4 and urine is 5.5-6.5
·   When iron is less in body the quantity of RBC decreases
·   Leococytosis is the increase in number of white blood cells.
·   it takes 30 seconds to blood for a complete circulation in human body
·   Blood travels 1000 times through the whole body
·   Hemoglobin is chromo-protein
·   In lymph main cells are lymphocytes
·   Blood has 83% of water
·   Blood has 60% plasma, 40% corpuscles
·   During sleep a man’s blood pressure fluctuates.
·   Fat is a Lipid
·   Human blood is 6 times thicker than water
·   Heart pumps five liters of blood in 1 minute.
·   Antigen is a substance that destroys harmful bacteria
·   Blood typing is the way of determining the blood group.
·   Platelets help to seal cuts in the skin.
·   Almost half of the blood in a body is made up of red blood cells.
·   White cells are about one for every 500 red cells.
·   A blood donor gives about 500 ml of blood.
·   RBC and WBC is bloods are counted by Hemocytometer.
·   Of the blood groups A, B, AB and O, which one is transfused into a person whose blood group is A? Group A and O
·   Your body contains eight pints of blood.
·    Kari Landsteiner discovered the blood groups of man.
·   Prothrombin, which helps in clotting of blood, is released by Blood platelets.
·   The main function of white blood cells in the body is to protect the body against diseases.
·   In which liquid component do the blood cells move about? Plasma
·   Blood can be classified into how many main types of groups? Four
·   The fluid portion of blood is known as the plasma.
·   Blood contains 91 to 92% waster.
·   Blood contains proteins like Serum Albumin, Serum Globulin, Prothrombin and Fibrinogen.
·   RBCs in venous blood have bigger size than in arterial blood.
·   RBCs due to their Hb content act as O2 carrier.
·   RBCs are also known as Erythrocytes.
·   WBCs are known as Leucocytes and act as police force of the body.
·   WBCs are larger in size as compared to RBCs.
·   Life span of WBCs is a few days to a few weeks.
·   Platelets have no nucleus.
·   Platelets are formed in red bone marrow.
·   Life span of platelets varies from 4 to 10 days.
·   Platelets are very rich in catecholamine.
·   Blood grouping is based on the presence of blood group antigen (agglutinates) on RBCs, which are inherited.
·   O group comprises of 47% of population while A with 41% is second.
·   Hemoglobin is a conjugated protein composed of heme and globulin.
·   Quantity of hemoglobin is 16-gms/100 ml of blood in Males and 14-gms/100 ml of blood in females.
·   Hemoglobin is basically from acetic acid and glycine.

·   Platelets are essential for blood clotting.


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