First artificial satellite was
Sputnik-I sent by Soviet Union on October 4, 1957
Sputnik-II on November 3, 1957
took a female dog Laika into space
On July 20, 1969 US Apollo 11
touched down the moon
Skylab was launched in 1973 by
What country launched its first
space rocket January 1961-Italy
What happened to Laika first
dog in space Suffocated no
air burned re-entry
A Russian space programs name
meant East what was it Vostok
What was the first man made
object to leave the solar system Pioneer 10
Voyager I, spacecraft
introduced ring system of Jupiter.
Escape velocity is 24800
miles/hour or 7 miles/sec
First human in space is Yuri
Gagrin 1961 on USSR
Appolo crew returned to earth
with 382 kg of moon soil
First space scientist was Henry
Man entered in space on 14
October 1957
First American shuttle to land
on moon named “Bamini” in March, 1966
First woman in space was
Valentine Khurachoof in 14 June, 1963
America launched its first
space station in 1973
In 1979 Sky Lab was destroyed
in earth’s atmosphere
In 1986, Russia launched its
space station Mir
Hubble telescope launched in
April 243, 1990 through Discovery Shuttle
Apollo XI enabled man to step
on moon
Russian cosmonaut Valery
Polyakov holds the record for the longest stay in space. He spent 437 days in
orbit in the Mir Space Station.
The first American Astronaut to
go into space was Allen Shepherd.
First space vehicle to land on
moon was Luna-9
Voyager I, spacecraft
introduced ring system of Jupiter.
Pioneer 10 and 11 launched in
1973 and 1974, voyager 1 & 2 in 1979 and Galileo in 1995 were missions sent
to Jupiter
Astronomers know of over 50
moons orbiting Jupiter.
Vostok I carried first man in
Telstar, the world’s first
communication satellite was launched in 1962.
Mercury project, first manned
space programme of USA, carried the first American into space on 5th
May 1961.
Sputnik II, first artificial
satellite was launched on 3 Nov: 1957.
Lovell telescope is at Jodrell
Bank (Site for space observatory).
Yuri Gagarin (Russia)
cosmonauts became first traveler in space in 1961.
The first American Astronaut to
go into space was Allen Shepherd
Russian Cosmonaut valley polyakov
holds the record for the longest stay in space. He spent 437 days in orbit in
the Mir Space Station.
What was the first food
consumed on the moon in Apollo 11-Turkey
The first person to orbit the
earth in space. John Glenn
Columbia Space shuttle broke up
on re-entry to Earth on Feb 1, 2003.
Skylab was space laboratory
launched in 1973 by USA.
First women in space Valentine
Tereshkove went into space in Vostoc 6 on 16 June 1963.
On July 20, 1969, Neil
Armstrong and Edwin Aldren landed on the moon.
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