Hydrosis is the medical term
for what -Sweating
What does per capita literally
mean- Per Head
What country used the ringgit
as currency- Malaysia
On a standard rainbow what
colour is on the inside of the curve Violet
What animal stands for the
longest period- African Elephant over 50 years
Who was the father of Alexander
the Great- Philip II of Macedon
Which country makes the most
films per year- India
In what does a steganographer
write messages- Invisible ink
The martial art tai quon do
translates literally as what Kick Art Way
Who wrote "To err is human
to forgive divine" Alexander Pope essay on criticism
What is the capital of Panama-
Name the Capital of the
In Bradshaws you would find
information about what-Railways
Which countries leader was an
extra in Hollywood-Fidel Castro
BOZ was the penname if which
writer-Charles Dickens
Which spice comes in hands -Ginger
In the Old Testament what is
the first book of Moses-Genesis - first 5 all Moses books
What is the literal meaning of
the title Viceroy-In place of the King
What word describes one tenth
of a nautical mile-Cable
Men are ten times more likely
than women to have what-Colour Blindness
What has 32 panels and 642
stitches-A football (soccer)
Oil is the most traded product
in the world what is the second-Coffee
What animals evidence is
admissible in US courts-A Bloodhound
Which country in the world
produces the most mangos-India
2.47105 acres is equal to what
SI unit-Hectare
The word philosophy comes from
Greek literally meaning what Love
of wisdom
In computing what does EPOS
stand for-Electronic Point of Sale
Vanilla is part of which plant
Name woman set up free birth
control clinic in Holloway in 1920 Marie
The Wright brothers made
aircraft but what was their other job: Bicycle manufacturers
Which city is the capital of
What is the opposite of
nocturnal -Diurnal
What fruit does not ripen after
What country consumes the most
coffee per capita 25 Lb-Finland
In the animal kingdom what
creatures are in the order—Chiroptera-Bats
What would you do with a
wandering sailor-Plant it it’s a plant
Germans call a WW1 sea fight
Battle of Skagerrak what in UK Battle of Jutland
Sand, Soda and what are the
main ingredients of glass-Limestone
What colour are the seats in
the House of Lords-Red - Commons green
If a doctor gave you an
Ishihara test what is he testing-for Colour blindness
Only one miracle is mentioned
in all four gospels what is it: Feeding of 5000
What is the official language
of Cuba-Spanish
What new invention was shown to
Queen Victoria 14 Jan 1878:The telephone
A horses height is measured
from the ground to what part Withers - base of neck crest line
Who was the last Emperor of
France-Napoleon III
What country does China have
its longest land border with: Mongolia
Where are a whales nipples -On
its back
What is measured in units
called jnd-Sensitivity Just Noticeable difference
A napiform thing is shaped like
what-A turnip
What was the first country in
1824 to legalise Trade Unions-Britain
What is the worlds longest
insect-Borneo stick insect
The angel shark has what other
name-The monkfish
Which creatures communicate by
touch, smell and dance-Bees
In which country did the study
of geometry originate -Egypt
What was the capitol of Russia
before Moscow-Saint Petersburg
And who designed
What does the DIN number mean
on photographic film-Speed of film
In the body what do the Islets
of Langerhans do-Secrete Insulin
What capitol is on the slopes
of the volcano Pichincha-Quito Ecuador
What is embolia-Hesitations in
Vitamin B2 has what other name Riboflavin
What is the biggest tourist
attraction in Zambia-Victoria falls
In WW2 what kind of aircraft
was a horsa-A glider
A newborn bactrian camel has
how many humps- None
Where is the worlds largest
mine-Carletonville South Africa
In the Sikh religion what is
kesh-Uncut hair or beard
At Waterloo who commanded the
Prussian troops: Marshal Blucher
Which bird is the symbol of the
Royal Society Protection Birds Avocet
Which microbe produces
alcohol-Yeast - alcohol is yeast piss
In WW2 in what French city did
the Germans surrender- Reims
What was Ghandi's profession-
Which is the oldest walled city
in the world- Jericho
What does Magna Carta literally
mean- Great Charter
Who built the worlds first film
studio- Thomas Alva Edison
The word nylon is made up from
what- New York – London
What country is coffee
originally from- Ethiopia
What is the currency of Turkey-
What does CMOS stand for in a
computer- Complimentary metalOxide semi-conductor
Which worlds city is known as
The Golden City: Prague Czech
Which country contains every
type of climate in the world: New Zealand
In what country was the
paperclip invented-Norway
Where is the only digital rolex
watch in the world: Wimbledon centre court
Where were the original
loopholes- Castle walls – arrow firing slits
What religious leaders name
means Sign of God: Ayatollah
In which country is the Nokia
company based- Finland
What is unique about the pistol
star- Brightest in sky
The Afghan Taliban use which
colour of flag- White
What was Queen Victoria's first
name- Alexandria
In Sanskrit it means House of
Snow - what does-Himalayas
What was the White House
formerly known as - Executive
Which is the only Middle
Eastern county without a desert? Lebanon
Who invented the word
pandemonium- John Milton – capitol of hell
Which companies name translates
as abundant fields: Toyota
What is the hole in a pencil
sharpener called- Chuck
What is the meaning of Ghandi-
What is the most chemically
complex food - over 300 chemicals Chocolate.
Which building material gets
its name from Arabic for the brick Adobe
Russia has one but the US has
at least six – what: Places called Moscow
What was Helen Keller's first
word- Water
Which country consumes the most
chicken per capita: Saudi Arabia
What was the distress call
before SOS- CQD - come quick Danger
What does Honolulu mean in
Hawaiian- Sheltered Harbour
Which fruit is the symbol of
hospitality- Pineapple
Which city is built on 118
islands- Venice
In WW1 what warning device was
on the top of Eiffel Tower: Parrots
What is sometimes referred to
as Zulu time- Greenwich mean time
Nylon was invented in 1934 what
product first used it: Toothbrush
Before 1687 clocks never had
what- Minute hands
What was the most bombed place
in WW2- Malta
The word Utopia from Greek
means what-Nowhere
Which vegetable is 91% water - Cabbage
Which English word comes from
the French for candle: Chandelier
In which European capitol city
is a cannon fired at 1.00 pm daily Edinburgh
Worldwide most capitol cities
begin with which letter- B
What creature is the symbol of
medicine- Snake
Which vegetable is also a
flower- Broccoli
What nationality was Cleopatra-
A university has a campus what does
it literally mean: A Field
What does the name Dracula mean
in Romanian: Son of the Devil
Whose name translates as
Emperor of all-Genghis Khan
Which country was the first to
issue parking tickets: France
Name the first war submarine
invented by David Bushnell it sank Turtle
In which city was Galileo born-
The most common name in the
world is Mohammed.
Cats have over one hundred
vocal sounds, dogs only have about ten
There was once an undersea post
office in the Bahamas
There are more chickens than people
in the world
The scientist who designed the
first internal combustion engine used to burn low-grade fuel. Etienne Lenoir
The scientist who asserted the
earth to be a huge magnet: Ben Franklin
The scientist who discovered
water. Belinda Mooney
The scientist who asserted the
earth to be a huge magnet: William Gilbert
The splitting of water during _
Oxidative phosphorylation _ has produced all of the oxygen that you breathe.
Edible part of tomato is whole
One micron is equal to
One-thousandth of a millimeter.
First world war was begun on
1914 A.D. and Second World War started in 1939 when Germany attacked on Poland,
it is also considered as the greatest war.
Columbus discovered America on
1492 A.D.
The Royal Majesty ship Queen
Elizabeth (UK) is the largest pessenger ship in the world. It is 314 metres
long and 36 metres wide.
The Cambodian language is a
language, which has a total number of 74 alphabets.
The Sumerian civilization is
considered to be the oldest civilization of the world.
Jericho, situated in the Jorden
valley is the oldest town of the world.
The maximum ever temperature of
136.4 F was recorded on september 13,1922 in the city Azizia (Libya) and The
minimum temperature of -129.6 F was recorded in the town of Vostok near
Antarctica on 24th august, 1960.
The highest rainfall for one
month was recorded at Indian town of Cherapoonje. 366,14 inches rain fell there
during the month of july 1861.
Sierra Leone has the lowest GDP
per capita of 510 US dollars and Luxembourg has the highest GDP per capita of
36,400 US dollars.
The Umayyad Dynasty (661-750
A.D) was the first Muslim dynasty.
Light is the fastest thing in
the universe. It travels at a phenomenal speed of 187,000 miles per second.
According to the Forbcs
magazine, there were 311 individual billionaires in the world.out of these, 108
belonged to USA, 44 belonged to Germany and 34 were Japanese.
The earth is the densest planet
of universe .It has density of 5.515 time that of water.
La Paz, capital city of Bolivia
(south america), is situated at an altitude of 3631 metres (12087 feet) from
the sea level.
The panch Pokhri Lake situated
in the Himalaya Mountains is the highest lake in the world.
The present palace of sultan of
Brunei in the capital city of Bandar Seri Begawan consisting of 1788 rooms is
the largest palace.
Mahavira (founder of Jainism)
and Gautama Buddha (founder of Buddism) were contemporaries and flourished in
India in the 6th century B.C.
The three pyramids of eqypt
were built from 2700 to 2500 B.C.; these are tombs of Khufu, khafra and
The Great Wall of China was
completed in 204 B.C.it is 1500 miles long. Its average height is 25 feet and
about 12 feet wide at the top.
The city Rome was founded in
753 B.C. by romolus.
The Muslim rule of Spain lasted
from 711 to 1492 A.D.
The statue of liberty (newyork)
was installed in 1886.It is 151 feet one inch high from the base to torch.
The world is divided into 24
time zones, each 15` longtitude wide. the longitudinal meridian passing through
greenwich,England is the starting point and is called the prime meridian.
Christopher Columbus discovered
Bahamas on 12 Oct 1492 A.D.
The world famous golden gate
bridge is located in San francisco (usa).
Russia invaded Afghanistan on
Dec 27,1979.
Hongkong was returned to china
on July 1,1997.
Eritrea became an independent
state on May 24,1993.
A billion contain 1000 million.
It has 9 zeroes. Similarly a trillion has 12 zeroes, a quadrillion 15 zeroes, a
quintillion 18 zeroes and a decillion 33 zeroes.
One inch is equal to 2.5400 cms
and one mile is equal to 1.6093 kms.
About half of the world
population speaks indo-european languages. The Indo-European branch to which
English belongs is Germanic.
The original inhabitants of USA
are known as Red Indians.
Out of the 193 sovereign
independent nations of the world 147 are republics and other 46 are under
personal rules (14 kings,1 emperor,3 queens,7 hereditary sheikhs,1 grand duke,2
sultans,1 constitutional monarch etc).
Gwadar became a part of
Pakistan on September 9,1958.
All India mulim league was
formulated on December 30,1906 and first president was Sir Agha Khan.
Afghanistan got independence on
19th Aug 1919.
Air conditioner invented by
"willis H. carrier"U.S. in 1902.
Camera (photographic) has been
invented by "Joseph N. Niepce"France in 1822.
Sunlight is composed of seven
"Braille system" is
used for the education of Blind.
Lousis Braille of France made
it possible for the blind to read and write.
Blue color has shortest
Protein is a natural polymer
The paper currency first
introduce by china
Redwood or Giant Sempervirens
is the tallest tree in the world . It rises up to a height of 111 metres (366
Pakistan-Afghanistan border '
Durand line ' was drawn in 1893 by Sir Mortimer Durand and Afghanistan`s ruler
Abdur rehman khan.
Asian Development Bank was
established on 16th Jan 1999.
Radcliff was a lawyer by
In 1945, Hiroshima was the
first city Atom bomb dropped.
Leo Tolstoy was the political
guru of Gandhi.
South Africa is the country,
which has three capitals.
All-india Muslim league was
established in 1906 and Quaid-e-azam joined in 1913.
The lowest per capita income in
the Muslim world is of Somalia.
United Nations spends a lion`s
share of its budget on Refugees rehabilitations
A piece of land surrounded by
water on three sides is known as “peninsula ".
The density of population
usually measured in person per sq. km
The Eifel tower was built by
Alexander Eiffel
The Red Cross was founded by
Jean Henri Durant
The gateway to the Gulf of Iran
is Strait of Hormuz
The first Republican President
of America was Abraham Lincoln
The country famous for Samba
dance is Brazil
The name of Alexander's horse
was Beucephalus
Singapore was founded by Sir
Thomas Stamford Raffles
The famous British one-eyed
Admiral was Nelson
The most famous painting of
Pablo Picasso was Guermica
The first woman Prime Minister
of Britain was Margaret Thatcher
The sculptor of the statue of
Liberty was Federick Auguste Bartholdi
John F.Kennedy was assassinated
by Lee Harry Oswald
The first British University to
admit women for degree courses was London University
The country known as the Land
of Thunderbolts is Bhutan
The literal meaning of
Renaissance is Revival
Julius Caesar was killed by
The title of Desert Fox was
given to Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
The word `Quiz' was coined by
Jim Daly Irishman
The original meaning of `Quiz'
was Trick
Adolf Hitler was born in
In the year 1811,Paraguay
became independent from Spain
The cross word puzzle was
invented by Arthur Wynney
Napoleon suffered from
alurophobia which means Fear of cats
Slavery in America was
abolished by Abraham Lincoln
The famous Island located at
the mouth of the Hudson river is Manhattan
The famous painting `Mona
Lisa'is displayed at Louvre museum, Paris
The earlier name for tomato was
Love apple
The famous words `Veni Vidi
Vici'were said by Julius Caesar
Disneyland is located in
California, USA
Archimedes was born in Sicily
The famous General Motors
company was founded by William Durant
The country that brings out the
FIAT is Italy
The White House was painted
white to Hide fire damage
"History is Bunk"was
said by Henry Ford
The term ``astrology' literally
means Star Speech
Togo is situated in Africa
The first ruler who started war
games for his soldiers was Genghis Khan
The first talkie feature film
in USA was The Jazz Singer
The name of the large clock on
the tower of the House of Parliament in London is called Big Ben
Prado museum is located in
The number of keys in an
ordinary piano is Eighty eight
`Man is a Tool Making Animal'
was said by Benjamin Franklin
The term 'anesthesia'was coined
by Oliver Wendell Holmes
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