Galileo was first to discover
rotation of earth
Photography was invented by
Mathew Barry
Albert Sabin invented Polio
vaccine (oral)
Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev
(Russian) published his first version of periodic table in 1869.
X-ray machine was invented by
James Clark
Arthur Campton discovered
x-rays and Cosmic rays.
Chadwick discovered Neutron
Telescope was invented by
Penicillin was discovered by
Alexander Fleming
Noble gases discovered by
Gun powder was first invented
in China
Velocity of light was measured
by Michelson
Archimedes gave laws about
Floatation of Bodies
Balloon fly up in air according
to Archimedes’s principle
Dr. Christian Bernard was first
to perform heart transplant in 1967 in cape town (SA)
First man to receive artificial
heart was Dr. Barney B. Clark
Barometer was invented by
Robert Hook discovered Cell in
Aspirin discovered by Dresser
Atomic theory given by Dalton
Atomic number given by Mosley
Bacteria by Leeunhock
Blood circulation by William
Calculus by Newton
Co2 by Fishcer
Chlorine by K. Scheele
Oxygen by Priestley
Hydrogen by Cavandish
Super conductor by Bendnorz and
Muller in 1987 and were awarded Nobel Prize
Eli Whitney invented cotton
Chloroform by Guthrie
Deuterium by Harlod
Dynamite by Alfred B. Nobel
DNA by Watson Crick
Gene by Johanson
Chromosomes by Waldyar
Electric resistance by Ohm
Electrolysis by Faraday
Electron by J.J. Thomson in
Neutron by Chadwick
Proton by Rutherford
Positron by Anderson
Ozone by Echonbein
Planetary motion by Kepler
Radioactivity by Bacquerel
Radium by Currie
Insulin by Banting & Best.
Human heart transplant by
Vaccine (measles) by Peebles
Vaccine (polio) by Salk
Vaccine (rabies) by Louis
Vaccine (small pox) by Edward
Cause of Malaria was discovered
by Ronald Ross
Adding machine invented by
Atom Bomb by Otto Hahn
Air Brake by George Washington
Air Conditioning by H. Carier
Airplane (with motor) by Wright
Airplane (jet engine) by Ohain
Automobile (electric) by
William Morrison
Automobile (differential gear)
by Benz
Bakelite by Leo Hendricks
Balloon by Mont Golfer
Barometer by Torricelli
Bicycle (modern) by Starley
Bifocal lens by Benjamin
Burner (gas) by Bunsen
Calculating machine (digital)
by Charles Babbage
Camera (photographic) by Josef
N. Niepce
Carburetor by Daimler
Cement by Joseph Aspidin
Circuit breaker by Hilliard
Computer (electronic) by
J.P.Eckert and J.W.Mauckly
Diesel engine by Rudolf Diesel
Eastman Kodak invented digital
Gas engine by Daimler
Electric fan by wheeler
Electric flat iron by Henry
Electric generator by Hippolyte
Electric motor by Michael
Motor A.C by Tesla
Motor D.C by Devin Port
Electric shaver by W.S. Hadaway
Electric vaccum cleaner by
James Spangler
Electromagnet by William
Electron Microscope by Vladimir
Microscope (compound) by
Janessen and Leeuhock
Flying shuttle by Johan Kay
Gun powder by Roger Bacon
Gas engine (four cycle) by Otto
and Daimler
Helicopter by Sikorsky
Interneral combustion engine by
Jet engine by Frank Whittle
Knitting Machine by William Lee
Lamp (incadecent) by Thomas
Montgoflier invented balloon.
Talbot invented photographic
Dickenson invented paper
Blanchard invented parachute.
Colt’s invention is pistol.
Howe was the inventor of sewing
Lamp (mercury) by Hewit
Laser (practical) by Gordon
Laser (operable) by T.H.Mainman
Machine gun by Gatling
Match (safety) by Pasch
Microphone by Graham Bell
Motion pictures (camera) by
Motor cycle by Daimler
Motor scooter by Bradsha
Parachute by Garnerin
Pen (fountain) by Waterman
Pen (ball-point) John Loud Biro
Photoelectric cell by Julius
Piano by Christopher
Printing press (screw type) by
Guten Berg
Radar by Watson Watt
Railway (electric) by Werner
Razor safety by Gillette
Razor (electric) by Jacob
Refrigerator by Ferdinand Carre
Revolver by Samuel Solt
Rifle by August Kotter
Rifle (automatic) by John Moses
Rocket Engine by Goddard
Safety pin by Walter Hunt
Sewing Machine by Elias Howe
and Thomas Saint
Stainless steel by Herry
Stream boat by Abbans
Submarine by Holland
Tank military by Swinton
Telephone by Graham Bell
Radio by Marconi
Telescope (reflecting) by
Telescope (refracting) by
Television (mechanical) by J.L.
Television (electric) by
Thermometer by Galilo
Termomter (mercury) by
Tractor by Robert Keeley
Transformer by William Stanley
Transistor by William Shockley
Type writer by Henry Mill
Washing machine (electric) by
Alva Fisher
Washing machine (manual) by
Hamilton E. Smith
Welding (electric) by E.
Zipper (meshed tooth) by Gideon
Celcius devised Centrigrade
Bacteria were discovered by
Louis Pasture.
Ramsay discovered inert gas.
Proton was discovered by
· Who
is credited with the development of polio vaccine? Jonas Salk
Christopher Cockerel invented
what: Hovercraft
The electric chair was invented
by a dentist
Bardeen and Brattin discovered
What was invented by James
Dewer in 1872: Vacuum or thermos flask
Atom Bomb (Uranium Fission) was
invented by Otto Hahn in 1941.
Electron was discovered in
Oxygen was discovered in 1774.
Tomas A Edison was American.
X-rays and Cosmic rays were
discovered by Arthur Compton.
Printing press was invented by
Johann Gutenberg.
Gramophone was invented by
Emile Berliner.
Blood pressure was discovered
by William Harvey.
Magnifying glass was invented
by Roger Bacon.
Insulin was discovered by
Michael Faraday invented
Electric Motor in belonged to England.
ECG invented by Einthogen.
Columbus Day is observed on 2nd
Monday in October.
In 1774 Oxygen was discovered
by Priestly.
In 1589 William Lee invented
knitting machine.
More than 2000 years ago a
Roman Ruler Julius Caesar invented the calendar that we use today.
Lipstick was first introduced
in 1915 in America.
Zippers were introduced in
China was discovered by Marco
Sea route from Europe to India
was discovered by Vasco-de-Gama.
Darfur conflict is in Sudan.
Canada was discovered by
Jacques Cartier.
Australia was discovered by
William Jon zoon.
Parachute was invented by L.S
Lenormand in 1783.
Box Camera was invented by
G.Eastman in 1988.
Electric Generator was invented
by Hippolyte Pixil in the year 1832. He belonged to France.
In 1907 Electric Washing
Machine was invented by an American named A.J 1916.
Motorcycle was invented by
Gottlieb Daimler in 1885, he belonged to Germany.
First person to reach North
Pole was Robert E.Peray.
Dynamo was invented by Faraday
in the year of 1831.
On 14th Dec 1911 South
Pole was discovered by Armunden.
America was discovered by
Christopher Columbus in 1492, he belonged to Italy.
Sea route to India was
discovered by Vasco da Gama in 1498, he belonged to Protugese.
Sandwich Island (now called
Hawaiian Island) was discovered by Captain cook in 1770, he belonged to
Suez Canal was designed by
French Engineer Ferdiand de Lesseps in 1869.
Solar System was discovered by
Copernicus in 1540, he belonged to Poland.
Planery motion was discovered
by Kepler in 1600, he belonged to Germany.
Artificial radioactivity was
discovered by Madam Joliet and Irene Curie in 1934.
Atomic number were discovered
by Mosley in 1913.
Atomic theory was given by
Dalton in 1803.
Who invented wax paper- Thomas
Atomic Structure was studied by
Bohr and Rutherford in 1913.
Circumference of the earth was
calculated by Jean Picard.
Current Electricity was
invented by Volta in 1800, he belonged to Italy.
Cause of yellow fever was
discovered by Reed in 1900.
Discovery of Oxygen was made by
J.Priestly in 1774.
Deuterium (Heavy Hydrogen) was
discovered by H.C Urey in 1932.
Discovery of Electron was made
by J.J Thomson in 1897.
Dynamite was made my Alfred
Noble, he belonged to Sweden.
Fundamental laws of electrical
attraction was made by Coulomb.
Hydrogen was discovered by
Cavendish in 1766.
Induction of electric current
was discovered by Michaed Farraday in 1841.
Incandescent bulb was made by
Edison in 1860.
Intelligence tests were made by
Binet in 1905.
Laughing gas (Nitrous oxide)
was discovered by Priestly.:
Chromosomes were discovered by
Otto Hahm invented A.Bomb.
Wright Brothers invented
W. Shockley discovered
Christian Barnard was pioneer
in heart transplantation.
William Harvey discovered
Circulation of blood.
Ramsay discovered inert gas.
Aristotle was the first to
classify animals into groups.
Theophrastus is regarded as the
father of botany.
Hydrogen was discovered by
Henry Cavandish.
Proton was discovered by
Thomson discovered electron.
Commercial cork is obtained
from Quercus.
Bacteria were discovered by
Louis Pasture.
In 1803, the English Scientist
John Dalton described the atom as the smallest unit of an element.
In 1897 J.J Thomson discovered
electron, negative charges.
In 1911 Ernest Rutherford, a
New Zealander living in Britain, carried out experiment with atomic particles.
Scientist use enormous machine
called particle accelerator to discover and find out about subatomic particles.
Ernest Rutherford in 1908, with
the equipment discovered the atomic nucleus.
Hans Geiger (1882-1945)
invented the Geiger Counter used to measure radioactivity.
The scientist who designed the
first internal combustion engine used to burn low-grade fuel.
Francois Isaac
de Rivaz
The scientist who discovered
water: Antoine Lavoisier (Chk)
Nitric acid__ acid was
discovered by Jabbar bin Hayyan.(HCL was also discovered by him)
What calculating aid was
invented by William Oughtred in 1662: Slide Rule
What was invented by James
Dewer in 1872: Vacuum or thermos flask
Fredrick Sanger discovered
which medical life saver: Insulin
Who invented Scissors-Leonardo
Da Vinci
In 1902 What did Mary Anderson
invent-Windscreen Wipers
The technique to produce the
first test tube baby was evolved by Patrick Stepote and Robert Edwards
Sumiton invented Tank.
The very first electric light
was invented in Scotland in 1835 by James Lindsay.
The molecular theory of matter
was experimentally testified by Robert Brown.
· The
theory of inheritance of acquired characters was propounded by J.B. Lamarck
What was invented by Dr Edward
Land in 1947: Polaroid
Dr. James Watson discovered the
structure of DNA in 1953.
Watson and Crick gave structure
of DNA.
Air conditioner invented by
"willis H. carrier"U.S. in 1902.
Camera (photographic) has been
invented by "Joseph N. Niepce"France in 1822.
The scientist who designed the
first internal combustion engine used to burn low-grade fuel. Etienne Lenoir.
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