Friday, September 11, 2015

·   The head quarter of Food and Agriculture Organization is in Rome (Italy).
·   The head quarter of International Atomic Energy Agency is in Vienna (Austria).
·   The heal quarter of International Civil Aviation Organization is in Montréal (Canada).
·   The head quarter of International Fund for Agricultural Development is in Rome (Italy).
·   The head quarter of International Labor Organization is in Geneva (Switzerland).
·   The head quarter of International Monetary Fund is in Washington (USA).
·   The head quarter of International Maritime Organization is in London (UK).
·   The head quarter of International Telecommunication Union is in Geneva (Switzerland).
·   The head quarter of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) is in Paris (France).
·   The head quarter of United Nations Industrial Development Organization is in Vienna (Austria).
·   The head quarter of Universal Postal Union is in Berne (Switzerland).
·   The head quarter of World Health Organization is in Geneva (Switzerland).
·   The head quarter of World Intellectual Property Organization is in Geneva (Switzerland).
·   The head quarter of World Meteorological Organization is in Geneva (Switzerland).
·   The head quarter of World Bank or IBRD is in Washington (USA).
·   The head quarter of World Trade Organization is in Geneva (Switzerland).
·   The head quarter of United Nation Development Program is in New York (USA).
·   The head quarter of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is in Geneva (Switzerland).
·   The head quarter of United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund is in New York (USA).
·   The head quarter of United Nations Relief and Works Agency is in Vienna (Austria).
·   Head quarters of WWF are in Vienna, Austria.
·   SAARC was formed in December 1985.
·   SAARC Human Resource Development Centre is located at Islamabad.
·   HQ of Universal Postal Union is in Berne.
·   New Zealand’s Don McKinnon is the first secretary general of commonwealth.
·   First Islamic Summit was held at Rabat in 1969.
·   Second Islamic Summit was held at Lahore in 1974.
·   1n 1948 the UN drawn up a charter of civil and political rights.
·   First Secretary General of UN was Tregav Lee of Norway.
·   Kofi Anan got noble peace price in 2001.
·   UNO word was coined by F.D Roosevelt.
·   Kofi Anan is the 7th Secretary General of UNO.
·   What was the first country to leave the United Nations-Indonesia
·   Don McKinnon is the secretary General of Commonwealth.
·   The term of the judges of the international court of justice is 9 years.
·   ILO is not an organ of the UN.
·   First city to be placed under UN was Sarajevo.
·   The UN observed 1998 as the human rights year with the theme “ All Human Rights for All”.
·   ICJ has 15 judges, any two of whom cannot be of the same nationality.
·   Myanmar is not a member of SAARC.
·   UN Charter was signed on June 26, 1945 and came into force on October 24, 1945.
·   Olive Branch is the emblem of the U.N.
·   Five permanent members of U.N Security Council are China, France, Russia, UK and US.
·   UN Security Council has five permanent and 10 non-permanent members.
·   Bangladesh is not a member of ASEAN.
·   As per SAFTA agreement, India, Pakistan & Sri Lanka have to decrease their custom duties to 0-5% by 2013.
·   Estonia is not a member of CIS.
·   Portuguese is not an official language of UN.
·   ICJ has issued the arrest warrant of ... Omar al Basher of Sudan
·   The United States of America has used its veto power more than any other permanent member
·   G-7 is the group of seven rich industralial nations- Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the US.
·   The UNO originated during the second world war.Its charter was drawn up from 25th April to 26th June, 1945 at San Francisco which was signed by 51 countries.
·   In 1971 the people Republic of China was given membership of UNO by expelling Taiwan.
·   Switzerland is not the member of UNO.
·   Headquarter of Arab League is located in Cairo.
·   The UN Industrial Development Organization has its headquarters at Vienna.
·   Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948.
·   Initially, Arab league has seven countries.
·   Headquarter of Arab League is located in Cairo.
·   United Nations spends a lion’s share of its budget on Refugees rehabilitations
·   The UNO originated during the Second World War. Its charter was drawn up from 25th April to 26th June 1945 at San Francisco, which was signed, by 51 countries.
·   What famous battle was fought at Pancenoit-Waterloo - (four miles away)

·   Transparency International is based in Berlin.


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