The head quarter of Food and
Agriculture Organization is in Rome (Italy).
The head quarter of
International Atomic Energy Agency is in Vienna (Austria).
The heal quarter of
International Civil Aviation Organization is in Montréal (Canada).
The head quarter of
International Fund for Agricultural Development is in Rome (Italy).
The head quarter of
International Labor Organization is in Geneva (Switzerland).
The head quarter of
International Monetary Fund is in Washington (USA).
The head quarter of
International Maritime Organization is in London (UK).
The head quarter of
International Telecommunication Union is in Geneva (Switzerland).
The head quarter of United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) is in Paris
The head quarter of United
Nations Industrial Development Organization is in Vienna (Austria).
The head quarter of Universal
Postal Union is in Berne (Switzerland).
The head quarter of World
Health Organization is in Geneva (Switzerland).
The head quarter of World
Intellectual Property Organization is in Geneva (Switzerland).
The head quarter of World
Meteorological Organization is in Geneva (Switzerland).
The head quarter of World Bank
or IBRD is in Washington (USA).
The head quarter of World Trade
Organization is in Geneva (Switzerland).
The head quarter of United
Nation Development Program is in New York (USA).
The head quarter of United
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is in Geneva (Switzerland).
The head quarter of United
Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund is in New York (USA).
The head quarter of United
Nations Relief and Works Agency is in Vienna (Austria).
Head quarters of WWF are in
Vienna, Austria.
SAARC was formed in December
SAARC Human Resource
Development Centre is located at Islamabad.
HQ of Universal Postal Union is
in Berne.
New Zealand’s Don McKinnon is
the first secretary general of commonwealth.
First Islamic Summit was held
at Rabat in 1969.
Second Islamic Summit was held
at Lahore in 1974.
1n 1948 the UN drawn up a
charter of civil and political rights.
First Secretary General of UN
was Tregav Lee of Norway.
Kofi Anan got noble peace price
in 2001.
UNO word was coined by F.D
Kofi Anan is the 7th
Secretary General of UNO.
What was the first country to
leave the United Nations-Indonesia
Don McKinnon is the secretary
General of Commonwealth.
The term of the judges of the
international court of justice is 9 years.
ILO is not an organ of the UN.
First city to be placed under
UN was Sarajevo.
The UN observed 1998 as the
human rights year with the theme “ All Human Rights for All”.
ICJ has 15 judges, any two of
whom cannot be of the same nationality.
Myanmar is not a member of
UN Charter was signed on June
26, 1945 and came into force on October 24, 1945.
Olive Branch is the emblem of
the U.N.
Five permanent members of U.N
Security Council are China, France, Russia, UK and US.
UN Security Council has five
permanent and 10 non-permanent members.
Bangladesh is not a member of
As per SAFTA agreement, India,
Pakistan & Sri Lanka have to decrease their custom duties to 0-5% by 2013.
Estonia is not a member of CIS.
Portuguese is not an official
language of UN.
ICJ has issued the arrest
warrant of ... Omar al Basher of Sudan
The United States of America has used its veto power more
than any other permanent member
G-7 is the group of seven rich
industralial nations- Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the
The UNO originated during the
second world war.Its charter was drawn up from 25th April to 26th June, 1945 at
San Francisco which was signed by 51 countries.
In 1971 the people Republic of
China was given membership of UNO by expelling Taiwan.
Switzerland is not the member
of UNO.
Headquarter of Arab League is
located in Cairo.
The UN Industrial Development
Organization has its headquarters at Vienna.
Universal Declaration of Human
Rights was adopted in 1948.
Initially, Arab league has
seven countries.
Headquarter of Arab League is
located in Cairo.
United Nations spends a lion’s
share of its budget on Refugees rehabilitations
The UNO originated during the
Second World War. Its charter was drawn up from 25th April to 26th June 1945 at
San Francisco, which was signed, by 51 countries.
What famous battle was fought
at Pancenoit-Waterloo - (four miles away)
Transparency International is
based in Berlin.
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