Wednesday, September 9, 2015

·   Ore of Aluminum is Bauxite
·   Pyrolusite is an ore of manganese
·   Myrolusite is an ore of Manganese.
·   Ore of Gold is Native Gold
·   Argentite is an ore of silver
·   Magnetite and hematite are iron ores.
·   The important ore of Chromium is Chromite
·   Bauxite is an ore of aluminum. It contains mineral alumina, or aluminum oxide.
·   Diaspore, Felspar, Alurite, Zibcite, and Bauxite are the ores of Aluminum.
·   Malachite is an ore of Copper
·   Radium is extracted from an ore called Pitch Blonde
·   Which element is extracted from the ore Sphalerite-Zinc
·   Saccharine is obtained from coal tar
·   What is extracted from the ore cinnabar-Mercury
·   What is extracted from the ore caserite-Tin

·   Aqua Regia is the mixture of Nitric Acid and HCL in 1:3.


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