Friday, September 11, 2015

·   The country, which provides free education at university level, is Sri Lanka.
·   The country to adopt gold standard for the first time was UK.
·   Roman general Mark Anthony was a poor fisherman.
·   6 people lost lives in the Great Fire of London in 1666.
·   Bofors scandal occurred in India.
·   First system of English short hand was devised in 1602.
·   China is situated in Eastern part of Asia.
·   Afghanistan is a landlocked country Central Asia (Chk)
·   Bosnia-Herzegovina joined the UN on May 22, 1992.
·   Capital of Micronesia is Palikir.
·   Costa Rica is a Central American country.
·   Equator passes through Brazil.
·   After Australia, Europe is the smallest continent.
·   Sakhalin Islands enriched with oil reserves are claimed by Russia & Japan.
·   Changa Manga is famous for sisham Timber forests.
·   The total length of railways in Pakistan is 8875 km.
·   Sialkot has the highest annual rainfall.
·   The largest district of Punjab by area is Bahawalpurj.
·   Pakistan Environmental Protection Ordinance was enforced in 1984.
·   Frost shattering kind of weather takes place on the valley side above the surface of a glacier.
·   Monsoon wind reverses seasonlally.
·   Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty relating to environmental problems.
·   Hazrat Baha-ud-Din Zaklariaya belongs to Chistia order.
·   The longest river in South Asia is Brahmputra.
·   The length of river Indus is 2880 km.
·   The oldest Hydro-electric Project in Pakistan is in Malakand.
·   The oldest barrage on the river Indus at Sukkur was built in 1932.
·   Europe has no desert.
·   Arabia, Scandinavia & Alaska are called Peninsula.
·   The richest fishing ground in the world is North Eastern Asia.
·   When one place on the earth is on a bigger eastern longitude then its time will be ahead.
·   Arakan Yoma: is the exten­sion of the Himalayas located in Myanmar.
·   Cardamom: Karnataka is the largest producer of car­damom. India is the largest exporter of cardamom in the world.
·   Climograph: is a graphical representation of the differentia­tion between various types of climate.
·   Cosmic year: One cosmic year is equal to the time taken by the sun to complete one orbit around the galactic centre.
·   Date Line, International: International Date Line is an internationally agreed line drawn parallel to the 180° meridian. It divides the Pacific Ocean into two equal parts. A crossing of the International Date Line entails repeating one day when travelling westwards.
·   Aberdeen in Scotland is known for Britain’s largest granite-exporitng industry. It is knwn as Granite City.
·   Alexander (ship) is the name of the ship in which Charles Darwin toured for five years.
·   Which of the following is a characteristic of sedimentary rocks? They are porous
·   When does the summer solstice occur in the Southern Hemisphere of our globe? 22nd December
·   Mediterranean climate has the characteristic of ‘dry summers with great sunshine and rainy winters’
·   Precipitation takes place whentemperature of moisture in air sharply decreases
·   Which of the following processes is related to the formation of Himalayas? Folding
·   The term ‘Eye’ in a cyclone refers to circular region of relatively light Winds
·   Gold Harp bridge of Istanbul connects Asia with Europe.
·   193 countries are in world.
·   Land occupied by Asia 29.7 %.
·   Thickness of earth crustes 20 miles.
·   Max height of cloud 20,000.
·   Rainfall is recorded on maps by Isohyets.
·   45 Countries are there in Asia, 18 in Latin America.

·   A meteorological term for a high pressure is called anticyclone.


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