Hydrometer measures humidity
Barometer measures atmospheric
Purity of milk is measured by
Fathometer measures the depth
of oceans.
Sextant is used for measuring
altitude of Sun and other heavenly bodies
Chronometer records accurate
time on ships
Algesimeter indicates the
degree of sensitiveness of skin
Altimeter measures altitudes
Ammeter measures current
Anemometer records velocity of
Cyamometer measures blueness of
sky or ocean
Dasymeter measures density of
Galvanometer measures small
electric current
Hydrometer measures relative
density of liquids
Hygrometer measures humidity in
Hypsometer measures atmospheric
pressure to ascertain elevations by determining boiling point of liquid. Or
Hypsometer is an instrument for measuring the height above sea level.
Manometer measures pressure of
Micrometer measures minute
Periscope is used for viewing
objects above eye level
Cyclotron is used for
electromagnetic acceleration of charged atoms
Geiger counter is used for
detecting and recording radioactivity. It was invented by Hans Geiger
Pyrometer measures high
Refrectometer measures
refractive index of a substance
Seismograph measures intensity
of earthquake
Telstar transmits wireless or
T.V broadcast
Viscometer measures viscosity
of liquids
Spiro graph records the
movement of lungs
Photometer measures rate of
Scotograph is used for enbling
blind to write
Eratosthenes measures distance
round the earth
Kaldio-scopes have proved
helpful in finding the amount of dampness in soil
Mohr’s scale measures degree of
hardness of minerals
RBC and WBC is bloods are
counted by Hemocytometer.
Manometer is the instrument of measuring
gas pressure.
Spectrometer instrument for
measuring the spectrum of light.
The variation in the blood flow
can be heard with an instrument called _ stethoscope _
What is measured by an
interferometer-Wavelength of light
Hydrophone is used for measuring
sound under water.
Magnometer is an instrument
designed to compare the magnetic movement and field.
Potometer is used to measure
the rate of respiration in animal and plants.
For measuring solar radiation
we use pyrheliometer.
Actimometer measures direct
heating power of the Sun.
Ammeter is use for measuring
current strength.
Manometer is the instrument of
measuring gas pressure.
Spectrometer instrument for
measuring the spectrum of light.
An instrument known as rain
gauge makes the measurement of rainfall.
What is measured with an
The instrument used to measure
very high temperature: Infrared pyrometers
Mechanical energy into
electrical energy: Generator
Heat energy into mechanical
energy: Heat engine or steam engine.
Electrical energy into
mechanical energy: Electrical Motor
Electrical energy into sound
energy: Loudspeaker
Sound energy into electrical
energy: Microphone
The device used to measure
radioactivity: Geiger-Muller tube
The device which converts the
chemical energy into electrical energy: Battery
The device used to measure
radioactivity. Geiger counter
Hygrometer is instrument used
for measuring humidity of air.
Heliscope is used for viewing
the sun.
What does a potometer measure-
Water intake
Clinical thermometer usually
measures in Fahrenheit.
Actimometer measures direct
heating power of the Sun.
Ammeter is use for measuring
current strength
Voltammeter is an electrolytic
cell for conducting electrolytic dissociation of electrolyte.
What does a drosomoter measure:
Relative density of an
atmosphere is measured by hygrometer.
Spirograph is an apparatus used
for recording the movement of the lungs.
The maximum limit of sound
beyond which a person can become deaf is 129 lbs.
Charles K Rhodes developed an
X-Ray emitting laser in 1990.
Son meter is an instrument used
to study the behavior of vibrating string.
instrument used for measuring the velocity of wind is known as anemometer.
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