Clocks, which moves with the
velocities comparable with the velocity of light, run: with
zero velocity
Humming bird belongs to a
category called: Endotherm
is a technique used for which one of the following? Project Management
Han myung has become the first woman prime
minister of South Korea.
At which international film
festival is the ‘Golden Lion’ awarded to the best film? Venice Film Festival
Which of the following planets
takes nearly the same time for a rotation on its own axis, as does the Earth?
· Who
was the founder of the Asiatic Society? William Jones
Fortis Hospitals chain is an
enterprise of Ranbaxy
The major natural regions of
the world are delineated primarily on the basis of temperature, rainfall and
cultivated vegetation
· The
agreement between India and China, by which both accepted Panchsheel as
the basis of their relations, was signed in 1954
· Which
of the following territories of India was/were invaded by China on November 19,
1962? Ladakh and NEFA
Deflation is contraction in
volume of money or credit that results in a decline of price level
· Which
one of the following is not allied to Geophysical Sciences? Palaeontology
· Photophobia
is abnormal intolerance of light
· The
conservation of hawks and owls is important to mankind chiefly because these
birds eat many harmful rodents
· The
plane of the earth’s equator were not inclined to the plane of
In which city was the famous
black hole: Calcutta
If you had rubella what would
you have caught: German Measles
La Giaconda is better known as
what: Mona Lisa
Eric Arthur Blaire was the real
name of which author: George Orwell
Which country do Sinologists
study: China
What is Orchesis - either
professional or amateur: Art of Dancing
Whose autobiography was The
long walk to Freedom: Nelson Mandela
Clyde Tonbaugh discovered what
planet in 1930: Pluto
Which chess piece could be a
member of the church: Bishop
Which American state is
nicknamed The Diamond State: Delaware
What martial arts name means
gentle way: Judo
Kimberlite contains what
precious item: Diamonds
Which country introduced the
worlds first diesel loco in 1912: Germany
What animals name translates as
water horse: Hippopotamus
Which two metals are alloyed to
make pewter: Tin and Lead
What is the longest river in
Italy: Po
Oil seed rape belongs to which
plant family: Mustard
Zambia and Zimbabwe used to be
called what: Rhodesia
What is the staple food of one
third of the worlds population: Rice
What digit does not exist in
Roman Numerals: Zero
Who was nicknames The desert
Fox (both Names): Erwin Rommel
Which European country is
divided into areas called Cantons: Switzerland
Who created Tarzan (all names)
in 1914: Edgar Rice Burroughs
Who is the only American
president elected unopposed: George Washington
Which countries men use the
most deodorant: Japan
What was the first credit card:
Diners Club
Which country made the worlds
first feature film in 1906: Australia Story of Kelly gang
Where is the worlds largest
gold depository: Federal reserve bank Manhattan
What is 6 inches bigger in
Summer: Eiffel tower
Which 1956 film caused riots in
cinemas: Rock around the clock
From what language does the
word alphabet come: Greek -alpha beta
What was the first film made in
cinemascope: The robe
A pearmain is what type of
fruit: Apple
What did God create on the fifth
day (both): Sea creatures and birds
What were the first false teeth
made from: Ivory
Which leader lives in the
Potola: Dalai Lama
Which country invented the
concentration camp: Britain - Boer war
Scotopic people can do what:
See in the dark
What is the most critical thing
keeping bananas fresh transport: Temperature not below 13 C 55F
What city has Kogoshima as its
airport: Tokyo
What is a baby whale called:
On what is the Mona Lisa
painted: Wood
Which bird turns it head upside
down to eat: Flamingo
Who rode a horse called
Bucephalus: Alexander the Great
Who invented popcorn: American
For what is spirits of salt
another name: Hydrochloric acid
What flower is the symbol of
secrecy: Rose
What is the white trail behind
a jet plane made from: Ice Crystals
If you were doing vaccimulgence
what doing: Milking a cow
Who was the Greek goddess of
love: Aphrodite
What is the only creature that
can turn its stomach inside out: Starfish
What is the worlds most popular
green vegetable: Lettuce
Which country had the first
women MPs 19 in 1907: Finland
Which Mediterranean countries
orchestra is bigger than its army Monaco
Where can you buy a copy of
Penguin News: Falkland Islands
Which African country was
founded by Americans: Liberia
What was Britain called - before
it was Britain: Albion
What part of a frog do you rub
to hypnotise it: Its belly
What was the first gramophone
record made from: Tinfoil
which famous person invented
the cat flap: Isaac Newton
What was invented by Dr Albert
Southwick in 1881: Electric chair
Where would you find line of
Mars - Girdle of Venus: Palm - lines in Palmistry
What do Ombrophobes fear: Rain
Who landed on Timor Island
after being cast adrift: Captain Bligh
A C-Curity was the original
name of what common object: Zip Fastener
What does ludo mean
(literally): I Play
An elephant has 400000 what in
its trunk: Muscles
What colour is cerulean: Deep
What does Zip stand for in the
American Zip Code: Zone Improvement Plan
Percy Shaw invented what in
1934: Cats eyes
Which acid was first prepared
from distilled red ants: Formic acid
Milton lost which sense: Sight
Eiffel designed the Eiffel
tower - what was his first name: Gustave
The Koh-i-Nor is a famous
diamond - what does the name mean: Mountain
of Light
What was Britain's first colony
(annexed in 1583): Newfoundland
A skulk is a group of which
animals: Foxes
Who was the Goddess of the
rainbow: Iris
Who was the first actor to
appear on cover of Time magazine: Charlie Chaplin
In which country did the turnip
originate: Greece
Which animals can live longest
without water: Rats
Which fruit contains the most
protein: Avocado
In sailing ship days who often
acted as the ships doctor: Cook
A muster is a group of which
birds: Peacocks
Which country grew the first
Orange: China
Gossima was the original name
of what game: Table Tennis
A kindle is the name for a
group of what young animals: Kittens
Minerva is the Goddess of what:
One person every 6 seconds dies
from what: Contaminated water diseases
The length of what is
approximately 1/10th circumference of earth: Great wall of China
USA has most airports which
country has second most: Australia
In 1829 Walter Hunt invented
what common item: Safety Pin
Who invented punched cards used
in early computing 1880s: Herman Hollerith
1500 paces was what Roman
measurement: League
Who gave the UN the land in NY
to build their HQ: John D Rockerfeller
Which writer coined the word
Cyberspace in 1984: William Gibson –Neuromancer
What is the oldest known
infectious disease: Leprosy
What was invented in 1855 45
years later than it was needed: Can Opener
Trypanophobia is fear of
Inoculations – Injections
Chogori is better know by what
boring name: K2
Which country has the worlds
biggest (on land) National Park: Canada – Wood Buffalo 17300s ml
What was Edison’s first
practical invention: Tick a Tape for stockmarket
Which company invented the
transistor radio in 1952: Sony
What metal impurity makes
rubies red and emeralds green: Chromium
What is dittology: Double
Which country invented the
mariners compass: China
How was Alexander the Greats
body preserved: In large jar of honey
What was invented 1903 -
patented 1906 G C Beilder: Photocopier
What country consumes the most
coal each year: China
What does soviet mean: Workers
In which city is the worlds
oldest museum - Ashmolian 1679: Oxford
To what family does the
hippopotamus belong: Pig
In which city is the worlds
oldest tennis court from 1496: Paris
Who said Politics is the art of
the possible 11 Aug 1867: Otto Von Bismarck
In which country did Turkeys
originate: USA
What colour is worn for
funerals in Egypt: Yellow
An Arab horse has less what
than other horses: Bones - one vertebra less
In what country did red onions
originate: Italy
What job did Ernest Hemmingway
do in WW1: Ambulance Driver
What was the name of the Roman
God of sleep-Somnos
What is the name of the four
holy books of the Hindus-The Vedas
What animal always gives birth
to same sex twins-Armadillo
What colour is named after a
battle fought in Italy in 1859-Magenta
What does the name Ghengis Khan
mean-Very Mighty Ruler
What is the most common disease
in the world-Dental Caries
Which country was the first to
make seat belts compulsory-Czechoslovakia
A young what is called an
In a Gynocracy - who rules-
What type of animal is a
markhor-Wild Goat
What is the last book of the
What historical event was
referred to as Black 47-Irish Potato Famine
Tempera uses water and Egg Yoke
paint with.
Cannon company developed the
Laser Printer
The name of which countries
capital means good air-Argentina – Buenos Aires
Which dictator preferred 50,000
rifles to 50,000 votes-Benito Mussolini
What country was once named New
France- Canada
In which country were modern
banknotes first used-Sweden
What does the syrinx help a
bird to do-Sing
What food item in French
literally means twice cooked-Biscuit
The Titanic has a sister ship -
name it-The Olympic
Halcyon is the poetic name for
which bird-Kingfisher
Which country invented French
fried potatoes-Belgium
The word bungalow comes from
which language-Hindi
What is the Japanese
Shinkasen-High speed Train
What is a travelator-Horizontal
Where was Napoleon born-Ajaccio
-Corsican capitol
In the wild what animal
pollinates banana plants-Bats
What colour is the Black Box
carried in aircraft-Orange
Allium Sativum is better known
as what-Garlic
What was Madam Curie's husbands
The USA president lives in the
White House - Who Blue House-President South Korea
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