Saturday, September 12, 2015

·   Number of schools of thoughts is 52.
·   Farat valley is in Iraq.
·   Notre Dom is located in Paris (France), it is a church.
·   Jodrell Bank is located in Great Britain; it is famous for its Space Observatory.
·   Micronesia is located in Asia.
·   Blue Mosque is in Istanbul.
·   Bastille was a jail in Paris; it was destroyed during the French Revolution on 14th July 1789.
·   Camp David is famous for Camp David Accord, which took place between Egypt and Israel. It is located in USA.
·   Jaffna is the headquarters of LTTE guerillas in Sri Lanka.
·   Akal Takht is a place of confession of Penance in the Golden Temple complex; it has been the spiritual and temporal seat of authority of Sikh since 1906.
·   Hanging garden of Babylon is situated in Baghdad and was planted in 603 B.C; this is included in seven wonder of the world.
·   Leaning tower of Pisa, it was built in 12th Century, it is located in Italy.
·   Aleppo is located in Syria.
·   The famous Empire State Building in located in New York.
·   Bermuda Triangle is in Caribbean region.
·   Bermuda is the colony of UK.
·   Gustav Eiffel, 986 feet high, built Eiffel tower of Paris in 1887-89 now used as a winders station.
·   Lumbin is the birthplace of Gautam Budh, it is in Nepal.
·   Istana Merdeke is the official residence of President of Indonesia.
·   Dehro Dun is located in UP (India), it is famous for its military academy.
·   Elysee palace is the name of the residence of France.
·   Yellow Stone National Park is in USA.
·   Golan Heights are located in Syria.
·   The Indonesian island Bali is famous for Temples.
·   Great Wall of China can be seen from the moon, the total length of the wall is 1684 miles or 6000 kms; it was built in the reign of Shih Huang-ti (246-210) BC.
·   Abu Simbal is the famous temple in Egypt.
·   Adam’s bridge is 17 miles long line of rock and sand bank between India and Sri Lanka.
·   Mermaid Statue is in Copenhagen.
·   Temple mount is located in Jerusalem.
·   Buland Darwaza is situated near Agra its height is 176 feet.
·   Buckingham is located in London; it is the residence of the king or the Queen of Great Britain.
·   Olympia is a place with temple of Zeus and Hera.
·   Jordan is an Islamic country, which has boundary with many countries.
·   Break up of Germany occurred on 1945 and merger on Oct 3, 1990.
·   Iraq occupied Kuwait on 2nd Aug 1990.
·   Indonesia has 3000 islands.
·   Japan is an archipelago.
·   Namibia is administrated by South Africa.
·   UAE is the federation of 7 Emirates.
·   Bosnia Herzegovina became independent on Jan 17, 1996.
·   USA president tenure is of 4 years.
·   Kosovo mostly consists of Albanian Muslims.
·   Baltic States is the name given to the European countries like Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
·   Spanish is the official language of Argentina.
·   The majority of Japan’s Population is by religion Shinto.
·   The term Boxer Rebellion is associated with China.
·   Philippines comprises of 7000 tropical islands.
·   Aukland and Christ Church are the major cities of New Zealand.
·   Melbourne is the capital city of Australian city Victoria.
·   Berlin was approved as a capital on 20th June 1991.
·   Manchester is the city of Great Britain famous for textile industry.
·   Toronto is in North America.
·   Sao Paulo is the largest city of South America.
·   Alexandria is the famous city of Egypt; it is also an important seaport.
·   The criminals of the Second World War were trailed in the city of Nuremburg.
·   Kobe is a Japanese city and port heavily bombarded in World War-I, serious earthquake hit in 1997.
·   Hague is the city of Holland.
·   Mauna Loa (USA) is the largest active volcano of the world.
·   Robert Mugabe is the personality of Zimbabwe.
·   Newton was of English Origin.
·   George Bush is 44th US president and 15th to be elected twice.
·   Greatest number of space walk (10) is held by Alexander Serebrov of Russia.
·   Goethe was German in origin.
·   Hazrat Bullay Shah was a famous Sufi poet of Punjabi language. His tomb is in the city of Kasur.
·   Haroon ur Rashid belonged to Abbasid dynasty.
·   Shakespeare was of Great Britain.
·   Firdusi was a Persian poet.
·   President Roosevelt of USA delivered his famous Four Freedoms speech in 1941.
·   1993, Madam Tansu Cillar became prime minister of Tukey.
·   Luther King is associated with the reformation movement.
·   Duke of Wellington was of England.
·   F.D Roosevelt was elected as president for three times.
·   Pablo Picasso was born in Spain and settled in Paris.
·   Slobodan Milosevic belonged to Yugoslavia.
·   Michael Keamay of USA graduated at the age of 10 years.
·   The name of American magnate Rockefeller is related to Iron Industry.
·   Famous Lady Helen Keller belonged to US.
·   The American general who acted as the supreme commander of Allied forces in Europe during the Second World War was D.D Eisenhower.
·   Ajmeer is fomous for a Sufi saint’s tomb named Khawaja Moin ud Din Chisti.
·   Lloyd George of Great Britain represented in treaty of Versailles.
·   Germany remained in grip of allied occupation from 1994 to 1952.
·   British rules over India about 90 years.
·   Shogun period (1603-1867) is related to Japan.
·   There are 5 lending religions in the world.
·   Christians faced stiff opposition from Romans.
·   Worst explosion, Dec 3, 1984 occurred in Bhopal (India).
·   1500- Value colossus was the first programmable computer of the world. It was put to use in Dec 1943 in UK.
·   The ancient Chinese were great scientists and invertors; they invented magnetic compass during Hun dynasty.
·   On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldren landed on the moon.
·   In Opium war Britain fought against China.
·   Gulf war Jan 1991 stopped in Feb 28, 1991.
·   Iran-Iraq was started in Sep 1980 and ended in Aug1988.
·   Soviet Union Officially broke up on Dec 26, 1991.
·   At the end of Second World War in 1945, Germany was divided among 4 major powers.
·   Fighting broke out between Greeks and the Turks in July 1974.
·   Akbar the great ruled the India from 1556-1605 A.D.
·   Before Independence East Timor was being ruled by Indonesia.
·   Shah Barendra family was assassinated in Nepal 2 June 2001.
·   Imam Ayatullah Khumani Brought about an Islamic revolution in Iran by ousting Shah Reza Shah in the year 1979.
·   The famous British Naval commander, who defected the French Naval Fleet at Nile in 1788 and at Trafalgar in 1805 was Horatio Nelson.
·   Columbia Space shuttle broke up on re-entry to Earth on Feb 1, 2003.
·   Doer war fought between South Africa and British.
·   Han Dynasty was in China.
·   People’s Republic of chine gained its independence in 1949 under the leadership of Mao-Zedong.
·   In China the Cultural Revolution lasted from 1966-1969.
·   Sumerian Civilization was settled in Euphrates and Tigris regions.
·   Hanover dynasty belonged to Great Britain.
·   Great Wall of China was built in 204 BC.
·   Hapsburg dynasty, Weimer republic, Third Reich belongs to Germany.
·   USA dropped an atom bomb on Hiroshima on 6th August 1945.
·   Delhi Sultans were of Lodhi Dynasty.
·   Civil War of USA lasted from 1861-1865.
·   Hong Kong was returned to china on 1 July 1997.
·   Glorious Revolution in England took place in 1688. A.D.
·   Iraqi general who brought about military revolution in Iraq by ousting kind Faisal on 14th July 1958 was Abdul Karim Qasim.
·   A French economist named Francois Quesnay proposed the concept of Laissez-Faire in the 18th Century.
·   The name of Mesopotamia was changes to Iraq in the year 1935.
·   American war of Independence started in 1776 and came to an end in 1783.
·   In 1982 the Falklands war was fought between Britain and Argentina.
·   Sadam Hussain Became President in 1979.
·   After breakup Grobachev became president of USSR.
·   Pearl Harbor incident took place on 7th Dec 1941.
·   The currency Euro was launched on 1 Jan 1999.
·   In April 1986 the place named CHERNOBYL gained world fame due to accident in Atomic Reactor.
·   Alexander died in Babylon in 322 B.C.
·   Berlin Wall kept East and West Germany divided for 28 years. East German Gov. dismantled it on Nov 18th 1989.
·   Mohen jo Daro was founded by Sir John Marshall, also know as mound of dead. The people residing there were traders by profession. There is found of statue of bull, which denotes that people were worshippers of it.
·   Taj Mahal is locted in Agra, the white marble mausoleum built by shah Jahan in the memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal in 1529. It was designed by Shiraz (Iranian Architect) over twenty years.
·   Taxilla is the ancient city of the province of Punjab. It is the site of ancient archeological excavation.
·   The place named Normandy became worlds famous due to the D.Day landgin during the Second World War on 6th June 1944. Normandy is located in France.
·   After the First World War the Dawes Plan was launched in year 1924.
·   Industrial Revolution first started in Britain.
·   After the First World War (1914-18) the Allies signed a treaty of Sevres in 1920 with Turkey.
·   The Marshal Plan was announced on 5th June 1947 at Harvard.
·   Statue of liberty is 151 feet tall. It is made of copper, located in the Liberty Island in New York. France presented it to US. It unveiled in 1886.
·   The original residents of India before the arrival of the Aryan were Dravidians.
·   Romulus founded the city of Rome in 753 B.C.
·   Buddhism is non-theistic religion.
·   Majority of the population of Vietnam comprise of Buddhist.
·   Naval Missile Brahmos Cruise Missile is an Indian Missile.
·   Cambodian language has 74 Alphabets.
·   China’s population is about 1261 million.
·   Hellas is the word appears on the postage stamp of Greece.
·   A group of Nightingales is called a Watch.
·   Young fish is called fingerling.
·   Joey is the kid of Kangaroo.
·   Gam of Whales.
·   Northern Europe is known with Scandinavian Region and Nordic Region.
·   Countries Area wise-Russia-Canada-China-USA-Brazil.
·   250 children born every minute.
·   AAA, Agricultural Adjustment Act is related to President Roosevelt.
·   Currently out of the worlds population the Muslims are one fifth.
·   Virtue party belongs to Turkey.
·   The Gurkhas are the original inhabitants of Nepal.
·   Federal system has central and provincial government.
·   The international customary laws, which allow states to punish as offender, are known as criminal Juris Gentium.
·   The term “In Camera” is used for the trial of case when case is heard without reporting to public.
·   Latin term De Jure means by Law.
·   Winston Churchill used the word Iron Curtain.
·   Reconciliation means when third party investigates and suggests a solution to a dispute.
·   In literacy term the dramatic work with aims at exciting laughter is called Farce.
·   Gallup poll is the method of assessing public opinion through representative expression of opinion of cross-reaction of the population of a country.
·   Tax on import and Export is called Tariff.
·   Antwerp is called by the name of key to the common market.
·   Stone Age is also known as Paleolithic period.
·   Orangutan means man of the woods.
·   Sugar Island is the located at the confluence of Ganga and the Bay of Bengal.
·   Agraphia means inability to write.
·   King Faisal is called “The Islamic Coordinator”.
·   The creator of “Mona Lisa” belonged to Italy.
·   The Labor party believes in Socialism.
·   The US Senate comprises 100 members.
·   “Warsak Dam” has been built on the River Kabul.
·   5 June is known as World Environment Day.
·   Earnest Hemingway wrote,  “The Sun also rises”.
·   Black Death reaches England in 1348.
·   Intifada denotes Palestinian uprising.
·   Caucasus is situated between Caspian and Black Sea.
·   Kabul in the largest city of Afghanistan.
·   Akbar was died at Agra in 1650.
·   In 1783 Britain acknowledged the independence of USA.
·   The term cartel refers to Unity of parties, factions or nation in a common cause.
·   Term the belief in the “rightness” of rule is legitimacy.
·   Tyranny is the form of government in which one person rules arbitrarily.
·   Barbers invaded North Africa before Arabs.
·   Popular name of Canada is Land of Maple.
·   American’s parliament is Congress.
·   Largest oil company belong to USA is The Ecxon Corporation.
·   New name of Lyallpur is Faisalabad.
·   Indian city, Ahmedabad, is associated to textile industry.
·    ‘National People’s Assembly’ belongs to Algeria.
·   Aeroflot is Russia’s airline.
·   Bakhtar is the news agency of Afghanistan.
·   Croix de Guerre is the highest military award of France.
·   The currency of Syria is pound.
·   Som is the currency of Uzbekistan.
·   Machiavelli was born in Florence.
·   Montesquieu wrote ‘the spirit of laws’.
·   Rousseau was born in Geneva.
·   Bentham is the father of utilitarianism.
·   Lenin was a Bolshevik leader.
·   Hitler’s theory of the state is known as National Socialism.
·   John Locke advocated basic human rights.
·   Montesquieu was a political sociologist.
·   Mao joined communist party in 1921.
·   Cease-fire between Iran and Iraq took place in 1988, by the intervention of U.N.
·   8 furlongs make one mile.
·   Balloki barrage is located on Ravi.
·   What countries leader does not have an official residence: Cuba
·   Loan to a corporation is ‘debt funding’.
·   Khadija Mastoor wrote Angan.
·   Imam Ghazali is the author of Ihya-ul-Uloom.
·   Boxing is called ‘noble art of self defence’.
·   50 nations are there in Africa.
·   Fort Monroe is located at Suleiman hills.
·   Derawar fort is located in Cholistan Desert.
·   Relli is the name of a game.
·   Al Beruni discovered that light travels faster than sound.
·   Due to buffer system, human blood has a ph of 7.4.
·   General secretariat of the European parliament is in Luxemburg.
·   On 2nd August 1990, Iraq occupied Kuwait.
·   The term ‘intifada’ means uprising.
·   The city of Jerusalem is known as ‘Al Quran’.
·   Headquarter of PLO is in Tunisia.
·   In East Jerusalem ‘wailing wall’ is a sacred place of Jews.
·   Hindenburg line is a boundary line between Poland and Germany.
·   Changa Manga, part of Punjab, is famous for Sheesham Timber forest.
·   The shape of the baseball is
·   Karl Marx belonged to Germany.
·   ‘Bear’ is a symbol of Russia.
·    ‘Tripitak’ is the holy book of Buddhists.
·   Duke Wellington won the battle of Waterloo.
·   King Faisal was shot dead by his nephew in 1975, in the city of Riyadh.
·   Nepal is the only Hindu state in the world.
·   Indus Valley civilization was destroyed by Aryans.
·   Samudar Gupta is called ‘Napoleon of India’.
·   The theme of the famous play ‘Caesar and Cleopatra’ by G.B. Shah is a History.
·   Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in America.
·   The reign of Razia Sultana lasted for 3 years.
·   ‘Gita or Vedas’ are the holy books of Hindus.
·   Holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) had been poisoned by a Jewish hostess at the time of the conquest of Khyber.
·   Khalid bin Waleed had been titled as ‘saif-ullah’.
·   Iraq is called the ‘site of ancient civilization’.
·   Uqba-bin-Nafah is called ‘Muslim Alexander’.
·   ‘Lords’ is famous a cricket ground in England.
·   During the civil war the supporter of the parliament came to be called Roundheads- supporters of OLIVER CROMWELL and the parliamentarians against KING CHARLES 1 during the ENGLISH CIVIL WAR.
·   The queen can do no wrong means the queen is immune from the jurisdiction of law.
·   The federal government of the USA came into existence on 30th April 1787.
·   In America the residuary powers are vested in the sates.
·   Virginia, one of US states, is called the MOTHER OF PRESIDENTS.
·   The term of a US senator is 6 years.
·   The anti federalists later on assumed new name ‘CAVALIERS’.
·   Republican Party was founded by Alexander Hamilton.
·   The American president Mr. Roosevelt was elected for four times.
·   The American declaration of independence was issued in 1783.

·   Waris shah is called the ‘Shakespeare of Punjabi literature’.


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