What does an aronophobe fear -Internet
Which world famous landmark is
found on Mount Lee? The Hollywood Sign
The name of which Indian city
means Village of Boiled Beans -Bangalore
What county has its map on its
Lucknow is a city in India -
and what other country-Canada
What invention was nicknamed the
Noisy Serpent in 1902-Vacuum Cleaner
What country has a regiment of
bicycle mounted soldiers-Switzerland
Amaxophobia is the fear of
what-Riding in a vehicle
Which animal has legs but cant
walk- Hummingbird
In what city 1985 was the
worlds first computer museum opened-Boston
Skeleton is derived from Greek
- what is its literal translation
Dried Up
Edward Hunter USA Journalist
invented what term Korean war-Brainwashing
What word in English has the
most definitions-Set
Desire for more cows is the
translation what Sanskrit word-War - same in English
What is the most mentioned name
in the Bible-David - Jesus is second
What is a spermologer
interested in-Trivia
What is 2000 in Roman
What is the sacred animal of
Thailand-White Elephant
We have all heard Hari Krishna
- what does Krishna mean-Dark as a cloud
Feline cats - Bovine Cows -
Aquiline what -Eagle
What animal is the symbol of
long life in Korea-Deer
What animal was the symbol of
freedom in ancient Rome-Cat
Time Magazine named what as the
Man of the Year 1982-The Computer
What animals teeth were used as
knife blades by the Indians-Beaver
If you were studying Iatrology
what would you be studying-Science of Medicine
The United Nations in New York
were originally where-San Francisco
In what country is the
northernmost point of Africa-Tunisia
In what film - Charlie Chaplain
have his first speaking part 1940-The Great Dictator
What Prophet in the Bible had a
talking donkey-Balaam
What common word comes from the
Latin for who are you-Quiz
Napoleon had a fear of
what - Aelurophobia-Cats
If you graduate with a degree
in music what colour tassel wear-Pink
In the Bible who built the
ancient city of Babylon-Nimrod
What was the first day of the
year in the Roman calendar-25th March
What does Karaoke literally
mean -Empty Orchestra
In what country did stamp
collecting start -France
Where do the White and Blue
Niles join-Khartoum - in Sudan
What are young bats called-Pups
What plant has flowers but no
Who was the Roman Goddess of
What is a baby squirrel
called-Kit or Kitten
If you are born in March what
is your Flower-Violet
What is the only word in
English that ends in mt-Dreamt
What country has a Bible on its
flag-Dominican Republic
What is the only number in
English that has letters in alpha order-Forty
What is the name for 100th of a
second-A Jiffy
10% (by weight) of the worlds
land animals are what species- Ants
The milk of what creature will
not curdle-Camel
What do cockroaches do every
fifteen minutes-Fart
Noah's Ark had two of
everything including what feature- Windows
The Invisible Empire is better
known as what-Klu Klux Klan
The word vinegar come from
French meaning what-Sour Wine
In Saudi Arabia by law women
may not become what-A Doctor
Most blue eyed cats are
The name of which animal means
does not drink-Koala
Collective Nouns - a
Convocation of what-Eagles
In proportion which animal has
the largest eye-Cat
Collective Nouns - a Cast of
what -Falcons
What European countries flag is
What is an octothrope-The #
Tigers have stripped fur - what
colour is their skin-Stripped
What bird has the most feathers
per square inch-Penguin
A dog is canine - what animal
is ovine-Sheep
A cat is feline - what animal
is murine-Mouse or Rat
The Golden Rain is the common
name of what tree-Laburnum
What countries nation anthem is
Land of Two Rivers-Iraq
Queen Alexandria's is the
worlds largest what-Butterfly 1 foot wing
Collective nouns - A train of
what -Camels
Who said "The child is the
father of the man"-Wordsworth
Collective nouns - a streak of
There are over 130000 species
of what on earth-Butterflies
Azote was the original name of
what element-Nitrogen
What animals cannot
The UIT govern what
sport-International shooting union
There are more telephones than
people in what city-Washington USA
If you landed at Arlanda
airport where would you be-Stockholm Sweden
What country declared itself
first atheist state in 1967-Albania – banned religion
What is the Roman numerals for
What are Jean Bernard, Pierre
St-Martin and Berger in France-Worlds deep caves
Dallol Ethiopia has what claim
to fame-Worlds hottest
Average place 94-Where are Bay
of Heats and Bay of Dew Sinus Aestuum – Roris-Near side of Moon
What is Canada's oldest city
founded in 1608-Quebec
Narcotics comes from the Greek
- what it literally mean-Electric eels - put on foreheads
Siddhartha Gautama became
better known as who-Buddha
Where was Ice Cream invented- China
What was Socrates wife's
What order of insects contains
the most species-Beetles
What is Rice Paper made from-A
Tree - The Rice Paper Tree pith
What is Nelson Mandela's middle
Tenzin Gyatso became what in
1937-Dali Lama
In what country was Mother
Theresa born- Albania
Reykjavik translates into
what-Smoky Bay
What is Christmas Disease-Mild
What US state is the magnolia
72% of what country is covered
by forest- Finland
On what are the worlds smallest
paintings painted- Pin
What city used to be known as
The Red Rose City has what more
common name in Jordan-Petra
Who does a Filicide kill-Son or
What was the first country to
recognise the US as independent-Morocco
And what country won it- Sweden
What is the worlds most widely
eaten fish- Herring
What was the name of the first
presidential aircraft -Sacred Cow
What flower is the symbol of
culture-The Lotus
Phalacrophobia is the fear of
what-Going Bald
In what prison did Nelson
Mandela spend 19 of 27 years in jail-Robben Island
What is Virga-Rain the don’t
reach ground
A Pullicologist is an expert in
What colour is caffeine- White
In what country would you buy
Kingfisher lager-India
Name Australia's highest
mountain-Mount Kosciusko
What was Napoleons mothers
In what language was The
Communist Manifesto written-German
Monology is the study of
What country is the worlds
oldest functioning democracy-Iceland
What country consumes the most
fish per capita-Japan
If you suffered from pyrexia
what have you got-Fever
Nine inches in nautical measure
is called what- A Span
What country drink the most
milk per capita-Iceland
Where was volleyball
What is mosquitoes main
food-Nectar from flowers
What killed half the US
soldiers in WW1-1918 Flu Epidemic
What is the opposite of
Where was the worlds first oil
well drilled-Pennsylvania
Who was the pilot in the first
fatal air crash-Orville Wright
There is one gallon of water in
every cubic mile of what-Fog
What capital city translates as
Capital City in the native tongue-Seoul - South Korea
What food are astronauts
prohibited before a mission Beans
- Farts damage spacesuits
What does a myrmecologist
Women do it twice as often as
men - what -Blink
First man to set foot on all
five continents- Captain
What gives onions their
distinctive smell- Sulphur - taken in
when growing
What animals name comes from
the Sanskrit to steal-Mouse – Musha
What is a Winter Banana-A
variety of Apple
Where are the glasshouse
mountains- Queensland Australia
Mesopotamia means- Between two
Only three Angels are named in
Bible Gabriel Michael and who- Lucifer
What animals name translate
from Arabic as He who walks fastGiraffe – from Xirapha
What is in the Red Data Book-
Endangered Species
Who wrote the book - Call of
the Wild-Jack London
What is the name of the scale
measuring depth of coma (GCS)- Glasgow Coma Scale
Which 19th century battle UK /
USA fought after peace signed-Battle of New Orleans
What place is nicknamed
"The City of Lilies"-Florence
In what literary work would you
find the yahoos- Gulliver's Travels
What place was nicknamed
"The Pearl of the Orient"-Manilla - Philippines
Operation Dracula in WWII freed
what city- Rangoon Burma
What countries name translates
as lion mountains- Sierra Leone
In WW2 what was the German
codename for invasion of Russia-Barberossa
FIDE govern what game -Chess
The density of what is measured
on the Rngelmann scale-Smoke
Who would be scored on the
Apgar scale- Newborn Babies
Geographical dividing line N/S
Korea-38th Parallel
First American state to enter
the union 7 Dec 1787- Delaware
Pennsylvania second
Old man in The Old Man and the
Sea named Santiago
Unit of sound named after-
Alexander Graham Bell - Decibel
What nationality was first
person in space not US or RussianCzech – Vladimir Remek Soyuz 28
Inspecting Galvaynes Groove
tells you what- Age of horse – it’s on its teeth
First space probe to land on
the moon 13 Sept 1959 Luna 2
What fish has its head at right
angles to its body- Sea Horse
In what country is the worlds
largest pyramid Mexico – Quetzalcoatl
What city was known as
Christiana until 1925- Oslo – Sweden
What sea is directly north of
Poland- Baltic sea
What is the name of the cranial
bone just above your ear Temporal
Who led the Soviets when they
invaded Hungary in 1956 Nikita Khruschcev
In astronomy what are rapidly
rotating neutron stars called Pulsars
The word Atom comes from the
Greek meaning what Indestructible
What part of the body is most
bitten by insects The Foot
90% of bird species are
Countries on 2 continents
Russia Turkey (Asia Europe) and Egypt - Africa and Asia
Male crabs known as Jimmies
In WW2 the Germans launched
operation Bernhard – what Counterfeit British Notes
Kangaroos and Emus can't do
what-Walk backwards
What country had three
presidents - in the same day-Mexico
There are 300 distinct
different types of what food-Honey
What country has three capital
cities Admin Legislate Judicial-South Africa
Countries name means Place
where one struggles with God-Israel
Ecuador was named after who /
what-The Equator
The Davis Strait lies between
Canada and where-Greenland
Children take SATs what does
SAT stand for-Standard assessment tasks
A lion and a sword appear on
what countries flag-Sri Lanka
What animals are likely to die
first from global warming-Polar Bears
In the 19th century what was
known as inheritance powder-Arsenic – as poison
What animal has the most taste
buds over 27000-Catfish
What is sometimes nicknamed
Adams Profession-Gardener
What profession makes regular
use of vibrators-Potters - remove air from clay
What part of the body ages the
fastest-The Hands
What is the word Taxi short
In medicine what is nicknamed a
blue pipe-A Vein
What sport was called The Royal
Sport-Cock Fighting
What cities underground has the
most stations-New York
Name the Hong Kong stock
exchange-Hang Seng
What is a bandy bandy-A Snake
What is the fastest creature
raced for sport-Pigeon
The New Testament originally
written in what language-Greek
What is the only Christian
country in Asia-The Philippines
A snake has only one lung.
Canaan Banana was the first
president of where-Zimbabwe
What hairs are the last to lose
their colour with age-Eyelashes
The Black Death came to England
from what port-Calais
What is the currency of
Egypt-The Pound
The town of Banana in
Queensland is named after what-A huge bullock
After English what's the most
widely used language on the net-German
Two thirds of the worlds
geysers are found where-Yellowstone Park
Where were the worlds first paved
streets-Rome 170 bc
The word Angel derives from the
Greek meaning what-Messenger
Name the first film to have its
sequel released in the same year-King Kong - Son of Kong
What's unusual about the moons
of Uranus-Named Shakespeare characters
What colour is the number 10 on
10 Downing street-White
What Olympic event was dropped
in 1920-Tug of War -1900 to 1920
The average child wears out 730
by age ten 730 what-Crayons
What nation invented the toilet
seat- Egyptian
What is an onychophagist- A
nail biter.
Woman's are faster than men's,
they usually have more Heartbeats.
The electric light first
available product what's second-Electric Oven
What's the only city today
split in two by a wall-Nicosia Cyprus
What is the Latin word for
In medicine what is an
Anomaloscope used for-Test for colour blindness
In what sport would you find a
Tell Tale-Squash - Tin strip ball can't hit
What is the most redesigned
appliance in the world-Telephone Handset
In Tennis where is the
Australian Open played-Flinders Park
What was the first sport to be
filmed-Boxing by Thomas Edison 1894
What is measured on the Torro
Satan is Lucifer but what does
Lucifer mean-The Light Bearer
What does a Grabatologist
What country has two AK47
assault rifles on it's flag -Mozambique
The Arabs call it Al-Maghrib
what do we call it-morocco
In what country did tulips
Where would you find a Dry
Bible: Heart chamber of a
Which mammal has the fewest
teeth- Armadillo - none
An IVP is used to detect what
medical condition- Kidney Stones- Intravenuspylorigram
What colour is iridium-Steel
What's the worlds longest rail
journey made no train change Moscow Peking
Who was called The Man of
Destiny-Napoleon Bonaparte
What word is derived from the
Arabic mawsim meaning season Monsoon
Sicily is the traditional
source of which element- Sulphur
Who was the first person to
wear a wristwatch- Queen Elizabeth 1st
What city is at the mouth of
the Menam river-Bangkok
Ireland and New Zealand are the
only countries that lack what Native Snakes
Who named a city after his
horse Bucephalus? Alexander the Great
In Hindu philosophy what does
Yoga literally mean- Union
Who was the founder of
Which sea is sometimes called
the Euxine Sea- Black Sea
What is a Fata Morgana- Type of
What is or was the capitol of
Hong Kong- Victoria
What creature can live up to
one year without eating?
The word Sofa comes from the
Arabic meaning Bench.
Which plant gets its name from
the Persian for turban? Tulip
What celestial body gets its
name from the Greek long haired Comet
What are the Roman numerals for
505- DV
In WW1 what were Lucifer's-
In Animal Farm what was the
name of the farm- Manor Farm
Where was pizza first invented Milan
In what country did the Sabines
live- Italy
Operation Thunderbolt was the
nickname given to which raid: Israeli raid on Entebbe
The cast iron plant is another
name for which pot plantn Aspidistra
The word Mongol means what in
Mongolian- Brave
In the USA what is Marine One-
Presidents Helicopter
Name the first teddy bear in
space- Mishka 1980 Olympic mascot
Which acid dissolves glass-
Hydrofluoric Acid
What is a half of a half of a
half of a half- A Sixteenth
Airman T E Shaw in WW2 was
better known as who- T E Laurence of Arabia
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