Saturday, September 12, 2015

·   What does an aronophobe fear   -Internet
·   Which world famous landmark is found on Mount Lee? The Hollywood Sign
·   The name of which Indian city means Village of Boiled Beans             -Bangalore
·   What county has its map on its flag-Cyprus
·   Lucknow is a city in India - and what other country-Canada
·   What invention was nicknamed the Noisy Serpent in 1902-Vacuum Cleaner
·   What country has a regiment of bicycle mounted soldiers-Switzerland
·   Amaxophobia is the fear of what-Riding in a vehicle
·   Which animal has legs but cant walk- Hummingbird
·   In what city 1985 was the worlds first computer museum opened-Boston
·   Skeleton is derived from Greek - what is its literal translation
    Dried Up
·   Edward Hunter USA Journalist invented what term Korean war-Brainwashing
·   What word in English has the most definitions-Set
·   Desire for more cows is the translation what Sanskrit word-War - same in English
·   What is the most mentioned name in the Bible-David  - Jesus is second
·   What is a spermologer interested in-Trivia
·   What is 2000 in Roman Numerals-MM
·   What is the sacred animal of Thailand-White Elephant
·   We have all heard Hari Krishna - what does Krishna  mean-Dark as a cloud
·   Feline cats - Bovine Cows - Aquiline what -Eagle
·   What animal is the symbol of long life in Korea-Deer
·   What animal was the symbol of freedom in ancient Rome-Cat
·   Time Magazine named what as the Man of the Year 1982-The Computer
·   What animals teeth were used as knife blades by the Indians-Beaver
·   If you were studying Iatrology what would you be studying-Science of Medicine
·   The United Nations in New York were originally where-San Francisco
·   In what country is the northernmost point of Africa-Tunisia
·   In what film - Charlie Chaplain have his first speaking part 1940-The Great Dictator
·   What Prophet in the Bible had a talking donkey-Balaam
·   What common word comes from the Latin for who are you-Quiz
·   Napoleon had a fear of what  - Aelurophobia-Cats
·   If you graduate with a degree in music what colour tassel wear-Pink
·   In the Bible who built the ancient city of Babylon-Nimrod
·   What was the first day of the year in the Roman calendar-25th March
·   What does Karaoke literally mean               -Empty Orchestra
·   In what country did stamp collecting start   -France
·   Where do the White and Blue Niles join-Khartoum - in Sudan
·   What are young bats called-Pups
·   What plant has flowers but no leaves-Cactus
·   Who was the Roman Goddess of peace-Pax
·   What is a baby squirrel called-Kit or Kitten
·   If you are born in March what is your Flower-Violet
·   What is the only word in English that ends in mt-Dreamt
·   What country has a Bible on its flag-Dominican Republic
·   What is the only number in English that has letters in alpha order-Forty
·   What is the name for 100th of a second-A Jiffy
·   10% (by weight) of the worlds land animals are what species-             Ants
·   The milk of what creature will not curdle-Camel
·   What do cockroaches do every fifteen minutes-Fart
·   Noah's Ark had two of everything including what feature- Windows
·   The Invisible Empire is better known as what-Klu Klux Klan
·   The word vinegar come from French meaning what-Sour Wine
·   In Saudi Arabia by law women may not become what-A Doctor
·   Most blue eyed cats are what-Deaf
·   The name of which animal means does not drink-Koala
·   Collective Nouns - a Convocation of what-Eagles
·   In proportion which animal has the largest eye-Cat
·   Collective Nouns - a Cast of what                -Falcons
·   What European countries flag is square-Switzerland
·   What is an octothrope-The # symbol
·   Tigers have stripped fur - what colour is their skin-Stripped
·   What bird has the most feathers per square inch-Penguin
·   A dog is canine - what animal is ovine-Sheep
·   A cat is feline - what animal is murine-Mouse or Rat
·   The Golden Rain is the common name of what tree-Laburnum
·   What countries nation anthem is Land of Two Rivers-Iraq
·   Queen Alexandria's is the worlds largest what-Butterfly 1 foot wing
·   Collective nouns - A train of what -Camels
·   Who said "The child is the father of the man"-Wordsworth
·   Collective nouns - a streak of what-Tigers
·   There are over 130000 species of what on earth-Butterflies
·   Azote was the original name of what element-Nitrogen
·   What animals cannot swim-Gorillas
·   The UIT govern what sport-International shooting union
·   There are more telephones than people in what city-Washington USA
·   If you landed at Arlanda airport where would you be-Stockholm Sweden
·   What country declared itself first atheist state in 1967-Albania – banned religion
·   What is the Roman numerals for 3000-MMM
·   What are Jean Bernard, Pierre St-Martin and Berger in France-Worlds deep caves
·   Dallol Ethiopia has what claim to fame-Worlds hottest
·   Average place 94-Where are Bay of Heats and Bay of Dew Sinus Aestuum – Roris-Near side of Moon
·   What is Canada's oldest city founded in 1608-Quebec
·   Narcotics comes from the Greek - what it literally mean-Electric eels - put on foreheads
·   Siddhartha Gautama became better known as who-Buddha
·   Where was Ice Cream invented-  China
·   What was Socrates wife's name-Xanthippe
·   What order of insects contains the most species-Beetles
·   What is Rice Paper made from-A Tree - The Rice Paper Tree pith
·   What is Nelson Mandela's middle name-Rolihlahla
·   Tenzin Gyatso became what in 1937-Dali Lama
·   In what country was Mother Theresa born-                Albania
·   Reykjavik translates into what-Smoky Bay
·   What is Christmas Disease-Mild Haemophilia
·   What US state is the magnolia state-Mississippi
·   72% of what country is covered by forest-  Finland
·   On what are the worlds smallest paintings painted-                Pin Heads
·   What city used to be known as Bytown-Ottawa
·   The Red Rose City has what more common name in Jordan-Petra
·   Who does a Filicide kill-Son or Daughter
·   What was the first country to recognise the US as independent-Morocco
·   And what country won it-                Sweden
·   What is the worlds most widely eaten fish-                Herring
·   What was the name of the first presidential aircraft  -Sacred Cow
·   What flower is the symbol of culture-The Lotus
·   Phalacrophobia is the fear of what-Going Bald
·   In what prison did Nelson Mandela spend 19 of 27 years in jail-Robben Island
·   What is Virga-Rain the don’t reach ground
·   A Pullicologist is an expert in what-Fleas
·   What colour is caffeine- White powder
·   In what country would you buy Kingfisher lager-India
·   Name Australia's highest mountain-Mount Kosciusko
·   What was Napoleons mothers name-Laticia
·   In what language was The Communist Manifesto written-German
·   Monology is the study of what-Stupidity
·   What country is the worlds oldest functioning democracy-Iceland
·   What country consumes the most fish per capita-Japan
·   If you suffered from pyrexia what have you got-Fever
·   Nine inches in nautical measure is called what-       A Span
·   What country drink the most milk per capita-Iceland
·   Where was volleyball invented-France
·   What is mosquitoes main food-Nectar from flowers
·   What killed half the US soldiers in WW1-1918 Flu Epidemic
·   What is the opposite of Plenum-Vacuum
·   Where was the worlds first oil well drilled-Pennsylvania
·   Who was the pilot in the first fatal air crash-Orville Wright
·   There is one gallon of water in every cubic mile of what-Fog
·   What capital city translates as Capital City in the native tongue-Seoul - South Korea
·   What food are astronauts prohibited before a mission            Beans - Farts damage spacesuits
·   What does a myrmecologist study-Ants
·   Women do it twice as often as men  - what                -Blink
·   First man to set foot on all five continents-                 Captain Cook
·   What gives onions their distinctive smell-  Sulphur - taken in when growing
·   What animals name comes from the Sanskrit to steal-Mouse – Musha
·   What is a Winter Banana-A variety of Apple
·   Where are the glasshouse mountains- Queensland Australia
·   Mesopotamia means- Between two Rivers
·   Only three Angels are named in Bible Gabriel Michael and who-        Lucifer
·   What animals name translate from Arabic as He who walks fastGiraffe – from Xirapha
·   What is in the Red Data Book- Endangered Species
·   Who wrote the book - Call of the Wild-Jack London
·   What is the name of the scale measuring depth of coma (GCS)- Glasgow Coma Scale
·   Which 19th century battle UK / USA fought after peace signed-Battle of New Orleans
·   What place is nicknamed "The City of Lilies"-Florence
·   In what literary work would you find the yahoos- Gulliver's Travels
·   What place was nicknamed "The Pearl of the Orient"-Manilla - Philippines
·   Operation Dracula in WWII freed what city-               Rangoon Burma
·   What countries name translates as lion mountains- Sierra Leone
·   In WW2 what was the German codename for invasion of Russia-Barberossa
·   FIDE govern what game                -Chess
·   The density of what is measured on the Rngelmann scale-Smoke
·   Who would be scored on the Apgar scale-                Newborn Babies
·   Geographical dividing line N/S Korea-38th Parallel
·   First American state to enter the union 7 Dec 1787-                Delaware Pennsylvania second
·   Old man in The Old Man and the Sea named Santiago
·   Unit of sound named after- Alexander Graham Bell - Decibel
·   What nationality was first person in space not US or RussianCzech – Vladimir Remek Soyuz 28
·   Inspecting Galvaynes Groove tells you what- Age of horse – it’s on its teeth
·   First space probe to land on the moon 13 Sept 1959 Luna 2
·   What fish has its head at right angles to its body- Sea Horse
·   In what country is the worlds largest pyramid Mexico – Quetzalcoatl
·   What city was known as Christiana until 1925- Oslo – Sweden
·   What sea is directly north of Poland-           Baltic sea
·   What is the name of the cranial bone just above your ear Temporal
·   Who led the Soviets when they invaded Hungary in 1956 Nikita Khruschcev
·   In astronomy what are rapidly rotating neutron stars called Pulsars
·   The word Atom comes from the Greek meaning what Indestructible
·   What part of the body is most bitten by insects The Foot
·   90% of bird species are Monogamous.
·   Countries on 2 continents Russia Turkey (Asia Europe) and Egypt - Africa and Asia
·   Male crabs known as Jimmies
·   In WW2 the Germans launched operation Bernhard – what Counterfeit British Notes
·   Kangaroos and Emus can't do what-Walk backwards
·   What country had three presidents - in the same day-Mexico
·   There are 300 distinct different types of what food-Honey
·   What country has three capital cities Admin Legislate Judicial-South Africa
·   Countries name means Place where one struggles with God-Israel
·   Ecuador was named after who / what-The Equator
·   The Davis Strait lies between Canada and where-Greenland
·   Children take SATs what does SAT stand for-Standard assessment tasks
·   A lion and a sword appear on what countries flag-Sri Lanka
·   What animals are likely to die first from global warming-Polar Bears
·   In the 19th century what was known as inheritance powder-Arsenic – as poison
·   What animal has the most taste buds over 27000-Catfish
·   What is sometimes nicknamed Adams Profession-Gardener
·   What profession makes regular use of vibrators-Potters - remove air from clay
·   What part of the body ages the fastest-The Hands
·   What is the word Taxi short for-Taximeter
·   In medicine what is nicknamed a blue pipe-A Vein
·   What sport was called The Royal Sport-Cock Fighting
·   What cities underground has the most stations-New York
·   Name the Hong Kong stock exchange-Hang Seng
·   What is a bandy bandy-A Snake
·   What is the fastest creature raced for sport-Pigeon
·   The New Testament originally written in what language-Greek
·   What is the only Christian country in Asia-The Philippines
·   A snake has only one lung.
·   Canaan Banana was the first president of where-Zimbabwe
·   What hairs are the last to lose their colour with age-Eyelashes
·   The Black Death came to England from what port-Calais
·   What is the currency of Egypt-The Pound
·   The town of Banana in Queensland is named after what-A huge bullock
·   After English what's the most widely used language on the net-German
·   Two thirds of the worlds geysers are found where-Yellowstone Park
·   Where were the worlds first paved streets-Rome 170 bc
·   The word Angel derives from the Greek meaning what-Messenger
·   Name the first film to have its sequel released in the same year-King Kong - Son of Kong
·   What's unusual about the moons of Uranus-Named Shakespeare characters
·   What colour is the number 10 on 10 Downing street-White
·   What Olympic event was dropped in 1920-Tug of War -1900 to 1920
·   The average child wears out 730 by age ten 730 what-Crayons
·   What nation invented the toilet seat- Egyptian
·   What is an onychophagist- A nail biter.
·   Woman's are faster than men's, they usually have more Heartbeats.
·   The electric light first available product what's second-Electric Oven
·   What's the only city today split in two by a wall-Nicosia Cyprus
·   What is the Latin word for poison-Virus
·   In medicine what is an Anomaloscope used for-Test for colour blindness
·   In what sport would you find a Tell Tale-Squash - Tin strip ball can't hit
·   What is the most redesigned appliance in the world-Telephone Handset
·   In Tennis where is the Australian Open played-Flinders Park
·   What was the first sport to be filmed-Boxing by Thomas Edison 1894
·   What is measured on the Torro scale-Tornados
·   Satan is Lucifer but what does Lucifer mean-The Light Bearer
·   What does a Grabatologist collect-Ties
·   What country has two AK47 assault rifles on it's flag               -Mozambique
·   The Arabs call it Al-Maghrib what do we call it-morocco
·   In what country did tulips originate-Persia
·   Where would you find a Dry Bible: Heart chamber of a
·   Which mammal has the fewest teeth- Armadillo - none
·   An IVP is used to detect what medical condition- Kidney Stones- Intravenuspylorigram
·   What colour is iridium-Steel Grey
·   What's the worlds longest rail journey made no train change Moscow Peking
·   Who was called The Man of Destiny-Napoleon Bonaparte
·   What word is derived from the Arabic mawsim meaning season Monsoon
·   Sicily is the traditional source of which element- Sulphur
·   Who was the first person to wear a wristwatch- Queen Elizabeth 1st
·   What city is at the mouth of the Menam river-Bangkok
·   Ireland and New Zealand are the only countries that lack what Native Snakes
·   Who named a city after his horse Bucephalus? Alexander the Great
·   In Hindu philosophy what does Yoga literally mean- Union
·   Who was the founder of Judaism-Abraham
·   Which sea is sometimes called the Euxine Sea- Black Sea
·   What is a Fata Morgana- Type of Mirage
·   What is or was the capitol of Hong Kong- Victoria
·   What creature can live up to one year without eating?
·   The word Sofa comes from the Arabic meaning Bench.
·   Which plant gets its name from the Persian for turban? Tulip
·   What celestial body gets its name from the Greek long haired Comet
·   What are the Roman numerals for 505- DV
·   In WW1 what were Lucifer's- Matches
·   In Animal Farm what was the name of the farm- Manor Farm
·   Where was pizza first invented     Milan
·   In what country did the Sabines live-           Italy
·   Operation Thunderbolt was the nickname given to which raid: Israeli raid on Entebbe
·   The cast iron plant is another name for which pot plantn Aspidistra
·   The word Mongol means what in Mongolian- Brave
·   In the USA what is Marine One- Presidents Helicopter
·   Name the first teddy bear in space- Mishka 1980 Olympic mascot
·   Which acid dissolves glass- Hydrofluoric Acid
·   What is a half of a half of a half of a half- A Sixteenth

·   Airman T E Shaw in WW2 was better known as who- T E Laurence of Arabia


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