Friday, September 11, 2015

·   Father of modern chemistry is Jabir bin Hayyan
·   Father of botany is Theofrastus
·   Father of biology is Aristotle
·   James Hutton is called the father of modern geology.
·   Thefrastus is called as father of botany.
·   Father of Homeopathy is Heinemann.
·   Founder of physical chemistry Arrhenius.
·   Copernicus is known as the Father of Astronomy.
·   Greek writer Herodotus is called father of History.
·   Who is known as The father of English poetry - 1340 – 1400 Geoffrey Chaucer
·   ‘Aristophanes’ is called father of comedy.
·   Charles babbage is called " Father of computer "
Adam smith is called " Father of economics "


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