Wednesday, September 9, 2015

·   Astronomers cannot be nominated for noble prize
·   Marie curie twice won Noble Prize.
·   First Nobel Prizes were awarded on 10 Dec: 1901.
·   What country awards the Nobel peace prize- Norway
·   Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1972-Nobody
·   Who refused the Nobel Literature prize in 1958-Boris Pasternak
·   Who was the first American to receive the Nobel Literature prize         Sinclair Lewis
·   Which Nobel Prize is not awarded annually in Stockholm     Peace
·   Mother Teresa was awarded Nobel Prize in the field of peace.
·   The New York Times received five Pulitzer prizes of 2009 for investigative, breaking news and international reporting, feature photography and criticism.
·   A noted Indian wildlife biologist, Dr M.D. Madhusudan, Director of Nature Conservation Foundation
·   Four persons have been awarded Nobel Prize twice.
·   Van’t Hoff was the first Nobel Laureate in Chemistry.
·   Wole Soyinka is a Nobel Prize winner for literature. He is from Nigeria.
·   Which field did Alfred Nobel not include originally... Economics
·   Person getting the Nobel peace prize in 2008 was of the country. Finland 
·   Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden, more than 150 years ago. In what year was he born?  Alfred Nobel was born in 1833
·   What did Alfred's father, Immanuel, do for a living? Alfred's father was an engineer and inventor.
·   Alfred Nobel never married.
·   A future Nobel Laureate worked for a short period of time as Alfred Nobel's secretary. Who? Bertha von Suttner
·   Alfred Nobel died on 10 December 1896, but not in Sweden, his home country. Where did he die? Alfred Nobel died in San Remo, Italy.
·   Why did Alfred Nobel establish a prize in his will? Alfred Nobel wanted to award the greatest benefits to mankind.
·   Which Nobel category does not yet have a single female laureate? Economics
·   Who won the first Nobel Prize in Physics? Roentgen.
·   Which single winner won the most number of Nobel Prizes? International Committee of the Red Cross.
·   Who was the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature? Rabindranath Tagore
·   Mathematicsis not a valid Nobel Prize category.
·   In what year did the most people decline their Nobel Prize? 1939
·   Who was the only person to win the Nobel Prize twice -- in Peace and Chemistry? Linus Pauling
·   Who was the only person to win the Nobel Prize twice -- in both Physics and Chemistry? Marie Curie
·   Name the six categories for which the prizes are awarded. Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Peace and Economics.
·   For which category was a Nobel Prize given starting 1969? Economics.
·   Who awards the Peace Prize? The Norwegian Nobel Committee.
·   Max Planck received the noble prize in Physics in 1918 for his discovery of: energy quanta
·   Climate change campaigner Al Gore and the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have been jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
·   Rabindra Nath Tagore was the first Indian/South Asian to win Nobel Prize. (Literature in 1931).
·   Former US Vice-President Al Gore has won Noble Peace Prize 2007 for his campaign against Global Warming.
·   The first negro to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize was Ralph Johnson Bunche
Rabindarnath Tagore won first Nobel Prize from South Asia.


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